Travelog: I left my heart in Cinque Terre

Our lovely guide named Grazia took us to Cinque Terre and while she did show me some photos of the place when we were still back at Hotel Savoy in Firenze, what I saw in photos did not prepare me for what I was about to see in real life.

Here is the exact sequence of photos I took  πŸ™‚

Yes, you will not want to wash dirty linen in public, but if your linens are this colorful, heck why be ashamed to hang just- washed clothes outside? πŸ™‚ 

When hanging your just- cleaned laundry outside your house actually looked good πŸ˜€

Storm shutters serve a purpose– they don’t just look good. Meanwhile, I want storm shutters in my house too– for aesthetic purposes only hahaha πŸ™‚

And then you have this view! This is part of Cinque Terre!

The view from high up where we were is unparalleled. I didn’t realize I would be at a loss for words!

There were all these locks fastened on chicken wire all over the cliff- side of Via Dell’Amore. So what you do is, you come to Cinque Terre with your loved one, bring a padlock with you, fasten lock together in one of these chicken wires, and then come back say, in five or ten years to unlock it together. Is that romantic or what? πŸ™‚  Meanwhile my guide said that some people fasten locks together then throw the key in the water! *If that were really true, wouldn’t there be a LOT of keys in the water now? :D*

It’s sooo colorful! Color-blocked buildings πŸ™‚

Tiles on the wall

A very fat and lazy *and very pretty* cat in Cinque Terre πŸ™‚

And when it came time for lunch, we chose this place:

Stuffed Mussels in Pomodoro Sauce

Anchovies! I looove anchovies!  These are quite possibly the freshest anchovies I’ve ever had– fresh from the sea too!

Another version of the anchovies– in bruschetta

Honestly, I’d never eat this. I tried a SMALL slice (coz I was honestly so grossed out), but it was actually not that bad. But eew for visuals. Those tentacles give me the creeps!!

My pasta!  Aragosta!

Seafood Soup!

What a full meal we all had! And before we left the Cinque Terre, I needed those souvenir shots. DB “AC” happily obliged.

At Via Dell’Amore. Photo by AC

In Manarola. Photo by DB “AC” πŸ™‚

Have a great Easter Sunday, everyone!!! πŸ™‚


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