Travelog: Siena + San Gimignano in Tuscany

We traveled to medieval-esque Siena during the day (although we’d go back to Firenze at night). Siena’s not exactly a small place and we had quite a walk! But that walk was worth it. We got to the shell- shaped Piazza del Campo and I was floored– the piazza was really biiiig!

Medieval edifices

On a wonderfully warm but breezy afternoon, you get this kind of crowd at the Piazza

We stopped by for a quick snack in one of the restaurants at the Piazza, called Il Campo.

Pizza at the Piazza πŸ™‚

Tagliatelli ai Funghi

And after that meal, we walked toward the cathedral. It was a long walk. I actually have to truthfully declare that I got tired! *oh no, a sign of getting old? hahaha gulp*

Along the way though, I saw some pretty interesting things that got me whipping out my camera. Here are some shots.

That little ring on the right is for the horses– you tie them there apparently πŸ˜‰

Hehehe prosciutto anyone? πŸ˜€

I love watching men “pouch- carrying” their baby girls. They’re both so precious!

And finally we get to the Cattedrale Di Santa Maria Assunta

Here’s the detail. The architecture is unparalleled.

I obviously didn’t know anything about this cathedral, so our lovely guide Grazia had to fill me in on the history. And what this cathedral was famous for.

The Cathedral and her Stripes!!!

The interior is even more spectacular than the exterior!!

Pope heads adorn the top of the arches of the cathedral– look closely. See the heads?

This was one of the rooms inside the cathedral that housed the book of chants.

So yes, the Duomo di Siena was definitely worth the long walk!

Left the cathedral with this souvenir photo πŸ˜€

The stripes… so Prada hahaha πŸ˜€

Oh and before we went back to our car, we were also able to visit Saint Catherine’s humble home. That was really an enlightening experience too– I didn’t take photos of the place anymore, but if you do go to Siena, be sure to pass by her home and also the Basilica of San Domenica where parts of her relics are stored (I saw her finger– I was a little mortified, but it was also pretty fascinating to see the relic of a saint!).

After Siena, we went to San Gimignano. Founded by Etruscans, the town had a lot of medieval towers and somehow, the town also reminded me of Mont Saint Michel in France. 
The Piazza della Cisterna *main square* in San Gimignano
San Gimignano is a UNESCO world heritage site. The town is also very close to Volterra– and why did I mention Volterra here? Because I’m a big fan of Twilight and well, didn’t the Volturri live in Volterra> πŸ™‚ *film was shot in Montepulciano though* (hehe that’s movie trivia for you!). Anyway, we didn’t spend too much time here because it was getting dark. 
Oh and I must mention this in particular because this succeeding photo is dedicated to my 2nd brother, who has become my photographer somehow haha *he is sooo shutter-trigger happy with my DSLR*! He would love to be credited for this photo, so I am posting it here πŸ˜€ *striped pillar shot inside the Cathedral above is also credited to him :)*  This was taken while I was about to enter a souvenir shop hahaha! *caught in the act!* Thank you DB “AC”!
And yes, color blocked again πŸ˜€ 
A last look at San Gimignano…

Have a great day ahead peeps! πŸ™‚ More travel photos in the next post, and if you can’t wait for the succeeding one, please do get a twitter account to follow me– — promise, there are more up-to-the minute deets on where I am πŸ™‚


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