The Contest Winner! WoooHoo!!!

Your answers ranged from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Narita, Geneva, San Francisco, Hong Kong,  to Incheon, Changi, Nice, Bangkok, Charles de Gaulle Paris, Guam, Zurich, Beijing, Port Huron Michigan, O’Hare Chicago Illinois, Ataturk Istanbul, JFK NYC πŸ™‚ Woooooaaaaaahhh… I haven’t even been to all those places before hehehehe πŸ˜‰

Anyway, the answers above were wrong 😦 Waaaa 😦  Out of the 310 emailed entries I received *hehehe I am happy that my new email address finally got a chunk of mails from you guys and gals! Actually nice to get that email address worked up coz all the emails I get from that account are mails from twitter  hahaha*,  only 6 people guessed the location correctly!!

And the Winner is….

Christopher Rivera! You’re the first to make the correct guess *8:54 am*. Yay πŸ™‚ Please re-email me your complete shipping details and I will send you a little something from Longchamp by Air 21 (if  you’re from Manila) or Fedex (if you’re outside the Philippines)

The Hermes boutique photos I took in my last post were taken at the boutique after customs at the London Heathrow Airport! πŸ™‚

And speaking of airports, this baghag’s about to pack the bags, because I am flying out once again to a cold place! I’d like to do another contest for you peeps to guess where I’m off to, but I’ll save it for another time. But please, feel free to guess where I will go anyway πŸ™‚ I love hearing from you happy peeps!

Who knows, I just might get you a little souvenir if you guessed correctly πŸ™‚ I’m not promising yet, but I’ll try πŸ™‚ *And those who know me personally can kiss this guessing opportunity goodbye ‘coz you guys are automatically disqualified hahahaha*
And before I get offline, here’s a little 4-1-1 for you peeps in the U.S. and for those who have a MyUs.Com mailbox, you might want to partake in this special Neiman Marcus event.
Midday Dash Online Only– Limited quantities of select styles at up to 50% off!! *WoooHooo!!!*
Shop, shop, shop now!
And then, I’m off! But I’m bringing my laptop with me, and will request for WiFi πŸ™‚

Mrs. T

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