Much Ado about the Hermes Shoes + A Contest!!!

Today, I dressed like an uptight principal again. Because NONE of my jeans fit me. You read that right. NONE. I obviously gained some poundage around the belly area over the last few days– how could I not, right? Mandarin Oriental Tin Hau dinner, Melo’s at Burgos Circle dinner, and tonight, Edsa Shangrila Summer Palace dinner! 
The only dress that fit me today was this lovely black skirt (which was once a little loose, by the way) made by Carmen Reyes of 8 and a Half *(+63917) 539-5658*. I decided to pair it with a shirt that I got from Comptoir des Cotonniers some year or two ago.  I stared at myself in the mirror and screamed. I looked like a friggin’ high school principal (don’t get me wrong, I have high regard for them, but I just can’t fathom patterning my style after the fashion of the stereotypical principal). So I figured that the only way to make this look “me” is to debut my 5 inch (yes, FIVE inch) electric blue Hermes heels. *wooohaaa! I was 6 feet tall today! Oh and I carried a Goyard powder blue Jeanne GM bag. Matchy  matchy!! :D*
(do note that I deliberately angled my body to produce the illusion of a svelte body– and in reality, it’s anything but svelte, so don’t tell me I have a nice, thin waist. Coz today, I really, really don’t.)
Oh and dig this– I wore this pair of 5-inch heeled shoes while driving the family car today, a station wagon *muwahahaha YEAH!!!*. I nearly had an accident or two as a result because it seemed like my feet didn’t know which pedal was which (brake or accelerator???). Oh and let’s not forget, this baghag does NOT have a local  driver’s license too hahaha. Hermes shoes are generally fantastic, very “stable”, plus the arches “sit” well on them so I highly recommend them for shoe fiends– but um, not for driving hahaha!
Speaking of Hermes, the first time I went into Hermes Manila,
 I saw a familiar face or two there (sales associates from Bulgari). Staff were not overly friendly (actually it’s much like the demeanor at Bulgari) but that’s fine, because there are some stores that mandate their sales associates to project that certain “reserved” air. It’s not because they’re snooty, that much I can tell you πŸ™‚

Hermes Manila, at the time I went, had almost no inventory of bags. They all sold out last Christmas! *Cha Ching Cha Ching!*. Their inventory isn’t even anywhere as full as this Hermes airport boutique below  (I forgot which one already– took so many Hermes airport boutique photos worldwide hahaha).

So wait, here’s the deal– I’m putting up a little CONTESTEMAIL me your GUESS at as to exactly Which Airport this Hermes boutique photo was taken. (exact location is needed)

I will eventually remember where this was taken because I will recheck photo albums tomorrow. But for now, whoever guesses this exact location correctly, will WIN a LONGCHAMP “something” from me πŸ™‚ Only ONE guess per person please (or you will be disqualified :D) This contest will be open throughout the day, and will end at 12:00 midnight, February 17 (Philippine time), so make your guess and Email me πŸ™‚ This contest is open to everyone with a valid shipping address (yes, peeps from outside the Philippines can guess too :D)

Now going back to my story πŸ˜€ At Hermes Manila, I noticed that there was one particular lady in black (I assumed she was also with Hermes) who was at first assisting a client (whom, as it turned out, was someone I know). In between chats with her client -my acquaintance (because we were talking about shoes), I asked this Hermes lady some questions about  ordering Hermes shoes that are not in the lookbook or in their shelves. She was a tad curt, though not too discourteous *but completely unlike how she was literally waxing poetic about the shoes she was trying to sell to my acquaintance in a “singsong” melodious kind of way hahaha* when I asked if there would be more shoe styles coming soon since I’m not really into those H sandals. She asked a younger sales associate to assist me, and this man took my name and number and said the store will “call me” when they have new shoes. 

It was honestly not an overly pleasant first Hermes Manila experience for me *sorry, just telling it like it is* because there was little assistance from the people working there (because I’m really NOT VIP. Now, I hope you peeps believe me! Hahahaha!!), but the next few times I went back to Hermes, that lady was no longer there (to this day, I honestly don’t know who she really is and what she does for Hermes, though I now know her name. And I’m not saying it here out of respect).
Anyway, from that time I first went to Hermes and had that “encounter” with her, I was actually hoping that Hermes Manila would be able to get me the same exact pair as my blue shoes, 
only in a different color combination– black and white (which I had also actually seen in Hermes San Francisco, though I opted for this blue instead). I still haven’t heard word from them at all about the new shoe collection (or when they will arrive in-store).  I wore these heels for the first time today and while it was very challenging to drive in them, I loved walking in them πŸ™‚ And I want another pair *sob*

These shoes were not cheap though :(. I forgot exactly how much they were, but they were more or less in the same ballpark amount as a dogon wallet (probably less than actually).
What do you peeps think? Would you get this in another color combination? Or would you buy another designer bag like this  Chanel Rare Bubblegum Pink Boucle Single Flap Bag

Chanel Rare Bubblegum Pink Boucle Single Flap Bag

which is practically in that same price range?  (Ugh, she so purdddyyyy in pink!!!!)

Mrs. T
(the not-so-uptight 5-inch heeled shoes- wearing high school principal :D)

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