Lucky Brand Jeans Now Back in Manila :)

Yesterday was the launch (or should I say, relaunch?) of Lucky Brand Jeans in Manila. This time, they now have their own shop at Greenbelt 5’s ground floor (soon at Shangri-la Plaza Mall). As what fashion editor Mela de Luna of Metro Magazine had said the other night at Rockwell’s Be Scene event, jeans are back! πŸ™‚ So there is no better time to get Lucky *hehe* πŸ˜‰

Lucky Brand Jeans is very reflective of the SoCal style– very surfer chic (yes, even if you don’t surf :D), casual, and fun. And well, I honestly think Manila is a good place for this style of clothing– coz yay, we are all fun, casual, and well, we can be “tropical” (not Hawaiian prints, but you, know, SoCal) chic πŸ˜‰

I loved the store– they really made use of every available space, so you know that there is really a very wide range of clothing available for you to enjoy. We’re talking floor to ceiling full of clothes πŸ™‚ *woowoo*

Here are my top picks which I really like.

I’d wear that black tunic with a pair of white shorts *Or none at all for women who have mile long legs :D*

I love the print of this top!Very laid- back, very boho.

This cap-sleeved shirt is so Missoni-esque πŸ™‚
Before the mini fashion show began, I spotted:

The very polished Rorie Carlos of Town and Country Magazine ( I super love her style– she is always so “put together”!)

Dwell Studio’s Dexter Sy with Lucky Brand Jeans Merch Manager Margs Lopez

Metro Society’s
Raul M with Metro Magazine Editor-in- chief Kat Holigores
Travel Life
EIC Liza Ilarde- Cuenca, ABS-CBN Publishing’s Philip Cu Unjieng, and SSI’s Malu Francisco SSI’s MaluF with Manila Pen’s StephanieC

And then the show began. Pardon the photo qualities– I should’ve brought my G7 Canon. My compact camera couldn’t handle all the movement πŸ˜‰ *or I don’t know how to tweak my camera settings hehe sorry*

The Missoni-esque shirt πŸ™‚

Tired of heavy bags? It’s time to go for the lighter bags to help your back recover πŸ™‚

This tee is very Vivienne Tam in design, without the price of course πŸ™‚

Another Vivienne Tam-esque shirt.

Now I love this shirt for guys, but I honestly could see me wearing it too.

And then the models strutted their stuff in jeans, jeans, jeans.Love the wash, the cut, the fit on these guys *wolfwhistle hehe darn that made me sound like a cougar hahaha. Thwaps self*

I also loved the Danielle cargo pants which had back pocket stitches and pre-wash effects (you must go see them in person). I can see me wearing these pants for my “lazy-lounge-around” days πŸ™‚

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the casual vibe of all the clothes of Lucky Brand Jeans.


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