What a Looooong Day!!!

Singapore blog on hold for today. Hopefully I resume Singapore food blog tomorrow. I need to share the events of today with you peeps πŸ™‚ Coz it was a LOOOOOONG day for this baghag wannabe πŸ˜‰
You’ll be proud *hmm then again, maybe not haha*. I woke up real early– like 8:30am this morning and actually got out of bed to get dressed up! I know, some of you may think there’s absolutely nothing unusual about waking up this early… in fact, many of you are already awake and on the way to work at 8:30am while there I was, beaming with pride that I actually woke up “early”! Ok. I know, sorry. But the word “early” is very subjective. To you perhaps, early is 4:30am (baghag WC wakes up at that time daily to prepare and get kids ready for school– she’s such a wonderful mom! *I’m not worthyyyy!!!!*). But to a good-for-nothing gal *OUCH!* like me, early is 9:00 am, so “real early” is 8:30 am or any time before that. πŸ˜‰ You see, I almost always sleep anytime between 4:00am- 5:00am nightly (or daily haha). Call it insomnia, but I just feel I am most productive from midnight til 4:00am– I get to write better at these times! *Although of late, all I do is procrastinate πŸ™‚ Heyyy that rhymed!!*

Anyway, why I woke up early was because my friend CJ brought very successful Dubai- based dermatologist Dr. Aileen Montero to our place as DH needed a second opinion on his skin allergy (which flared up big time while we were in Singapore). DK, who also has skin allergies, was also given a diagnosis and some tips on how to control flare-ups. I officially love Dr. Montero— she is very, very busy (she comes back every so often to Manila to fly to Iloilo since she still maintains a nice clinic there) during her short stay in Manila, but she made time to see my DH and DK. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

After having checked out DH and DK, the 3 of us went straight to The Peninsula, Manila. I was secretly craving for eggs benedict. For breakfast. Yes. Breakfast!! *What did you do to Mrs.T!!!!?!?!?! Hehehe* My other friend Dex, who happens to co-own the company that brings you Kaboost and of late, Dwell Studio, also popped by for breakfast with us.

Speaking of Dwell Studio, I was in Rustan’s Makati the other night and I saw a very prominent display of Dwell Studio products. Sure, I’ve heard Dex talk about this, but this time, I actually saw the products in person and I really had a serious appreciation for these. I love their designs! (I’ve had enough of those zoo print designs, so this was really a welcome change)Plus, these very linens were the choices of Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes, Liv Tyler, Julia Roberts… gosh, that pretty much sums up the list of the Hollywood celebrity A- list moms of today! I think what’s even better about Dwell Studio is that their products are all made using low- impact dyes which don’t contain harmful chemicals or toxic substances (and we all know how paranoid moms are now with the baby products out there– and yes, that includes me. Guilty!). Uncanny how timely this “discovery” was too! Because I really need to get new bed linens for my toddlers since one of my DKs has skin allergies and is very sensitive.

Oh, the brand also has other products like diaper bags and baby bottle pouches (that can double as a cosmetic pouch hehe).

Today, Dex informed me that they will also have a cool promotion from September 1 onwards for those who spend Php 5,000 (single receipt purchase) on Dwell Studio baby items–
You get a free Dwell Studio reusable tote bag! So you might want to head to Rustan’s on September 1 to get your hands on those beautiful linens. I honestly can’t wait!

Woooooops, sorry I strayed :). Going back to my eggs *hehe*, I got what I wanted at Manila Pen πŸ™‚ *beams*. (Can anyone tell me where else I can have seriously awesome eggs benedict? I think I can wake up in the morning for this :D) I can’t believe it though. I devoured this dish hungrily even after having downed THREE pieces of Break Talk Hot Pork Floss just a few hours earlier (like, around 4am. Before I slept). I know. Gross. Tsk.

Anyway, aprΓ©s our petit-dejeuner (hehe, feeling French), CJ and Dr. Montero headed off, while Dex and I decided to play hooky and hang out at Greenbelt. I haven’t played hooky in awhile, so I welcomed this mall jaunt. Besides, Lucky Brand Jeans was having its press launch that same afternoon in Greenbelt, so I was hitting 2 birds with a boulder (hehehe not one stone). We arrived at the Press Launch seriously early too– I was actually the 1st person to sign up *coz I was eager to check out the clothes!* πŸ™‚

A very successful denim launch later, I was back at Rockwell Power Plant Mall for work at Accessory Lab. Tonight was also the first of 3 nights of the Rockwell event, BE SCENE. I got there real early, like at 6pm (the event was to officially start at 7pm)*hahaha I’m reallllly an early bird three times over today!* and found our very hardworking Rockwell Marketing Team doing their “after work” hanging out and drinking up πŸ˜‰ *tsk tsk :D*Mark and Ina— Gotcha!!!

And because I was the early bird, I was also able to take this shot before they all got busy πŸ™‚ designer CJ Cruz, Fashion editor Mela de Luna, and Poivre clothing (poivreattheramp.multiply.com) owner and svelte PR girl, Carmina Sanchez πŸ™‚
The host of the event with Metro Magazine editor-in-chief Kat Holigores, whom I was just with at the Lucky Brand jeans event earlier that afternoon πŸ™‚
The very sweet AndreaDG of Metro Magazine πŸ™‚
Turnout was great for the Metro Magazine Be Scene @ Power Plant partnership! I didn’t get the chance to walk around and take photos anymore when the event started, but I managed this before the 2nd half of the event began πŸ™‚

Happy couple Mai and David Kaufman Shoppers signed up for the Power Style Card which got them good discounts or freebies at participating stores (Yay!! People spent! Cha Ching Cha Ching!!), and they also got to write down their wishlist for the lucky draw. Oh did I tell you–


So I guess this was what drew in the shoppers πŸ™‚

The clothes, bags, and shoes on these models were personally selected by Metro’s Fash editor Mela. The lucky winner who filled up that “wish card” with 10 things which Mela selected (which the models wore), gets to take them home– FOR FREE!I love these shorts!!

Giordano Concepts shirt and harem pants. Both of which I also covet… (obviously I didn’t win them haha… what luck!)
“Breezy” dress, as Mela described it πŸ™‚ Back of dress… VERY breezy indeed πŸ™‚
Tomorrow (or wait, it’s TODAY– August 27 Thursday) is Mega Magazine’s day so please do make the time to pop by around 6PM to sign up for the Fashion Registry. The event begins at 7PM. πŸ™‚

I had a seriously looooong day. I’m going to blog about Lucky Brand Jeans in more detail tomorrow when I’ll be posting some photos of my “picks” πŸ™‚ *Feeling fashion editor haha*

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TIME! Our Special thanks to :

Tommee Tippee for the generous donations of baby bottles and other baby products
(huge box full of them!!) for the Fabella Moms!

ML= Php 50,000

Which now brings the collected Fabella hospital pledges to Php 648,500! πŸ™‚

This is really overwhelming. And I continue to be amazed every single day. That there are so many wonderful people out there who still have big hearts to care and help others in need. More updates on equipment quotes soon!!

P.S. See you all at Rockwell tomorrow night!! And also make sure to mark off Friday night for Rockwell Power Plant Mall too– it’s Preview Magazine’s turn to showcase Liz Uy’s top picks, and Accessory Lab is part of it πŸ™‚ *You can win something from our shop + the other participating shops that night, without even having to make any purchase! It’s really a sweet deal that you cannot miss!!*


13 thoughts on “What a Looooong Day!!!

  1. may i know what was the doctor's diagnosis on your husband's skin allergy? my husband has skin problems too. we first thought it was just allergy but it gets more and it flares up whenever he gets angry or stressed out. turns out to be psoriasis.

  2. Ms. T πŸ™‚ the photo beside mela de luna is Cj Cruz, hehe, the designer for her dress that night :)sorry i forgot to introduce myself lastnight..btw i love reading your blog:)

  3. just curious… is DH's allergy something like atopic dermatitis? i remember you mentioned before he used aquaphor by eucerin. any good tips from dr. montero? my kids have atopic too and i'm at my wits end trying to control their flare ups. it gets really bad when the weather turns hot. they're dependent now on (very expensive) creams and corticosteroids for maintenance. 😦

  4. just curious… is DH's allergy something like atopic dermatitis? i remember you mentioned before he used aquaphor by eucerin. any good tips from dr. montero? my kids have atopic too and i'm at my wits end trying to control their flare ups. it gets really bad when the weather turns hot. they're dependent now on (very expensive) creams and corticosteroids for maintenance. 😦

  5. Hi Mrs T!Coffee Bean have Eggs Benedict! I love their Eggs Ben. Or Gram's Diner also have! :)Is Lucky Brand Jeans coming back to Manila? I love their jeans! Rustan's have them few years back pero nawala.

  6. @Freshdaisy: He has severe atopic dermatitis with nummular eczema! It's pretty nasty 😦 The thing was, his other dermatologist had recommended photo therapy (UV light) and I think his skin reacted pretty severely to the treatment, causing his whole face to swell up big time. I have a friend who has psoriasis too. What is the maintenance for that? @CJ Cruz: Thanks for introducing yourself now, and thanks too for letting me know so I can properly identify you πŸ™‚ Coz Mela intro'd me to a fashion assistant in the latter part of the evening so I assumed it was also you haha πŸ™‚ Sorry my bad! @Anon re: Allergy: DH has nummular eczema + Atopic dermatitis. His is a pretty severe case. Also because he always has this nasty habit of scratching the itchy spots, causing it to flare up even more. I can only imagine how hard it is to stop yourself from scratching 😦 On my DK, we use Aquaphor which is a pretty potent moisturizer, although it makes the skin shiny (and kinda unsightly, like you swam in a sea of oil). The dermatologist recommended using a lighter lotion during the day, like Physiogel, and using Aquaphor at night, then wrapping the affected areas with plastic wrap (like Clingwrap) to seal in moisture. Also, to make sure that the skin is moisturized with lotion within 2 minutes after getting out of the shower. And not to use scalding hot water at all. It's so kawawa especially on the kids 😦 So I know how you feel @Appledumplings: yes! Lucky is in Greenbelt 5 now. And wow, are the eggs benedict of Coffee Bean any good? I will try πŸ™‚ @DaphneOP: Thanks so much, D! We missed you on this one. The next one, we're definitely collaborating, ok? πŸ™‚

  7. Hi Baghag! It was great chatting with you last night at the Be Scene Mega event πŸ™‚ Congratulations again on your successful fundraising for Fabella and other future worthy causes. I really admire how a wonderful thing came about with your efforts to do good.

  8. @PBB: Try it, it's real good. I'll also try what appledumplings recommended :)@CJCruz: Thanks again! Darnit I didn't win again this time. SOB haha@Appledumplings: Thanks for the tip πŸ™‚ I'll definitely be swinging by those 2 places. I hope they serve em all day long πŸ˜€

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