My Christmas Pressie!!

We interrupt this travelog for an announcement. Thebaghag has gotten her Christmas pressie from DH!

DH has never really bought me a bag unless I prodded him for one (requests resulted in a blank stare or a half- laugh most of the time hahahaha). In fact, he has only bought me a bag once (yes, once– as in one time! haha coz you peeps don’t believe me when I say it!)– he actually went to the LV boutique once to pay for a bag (that I picked out before I gave birth) as a push present back in 2005. πŸ˜€ So that bag purchase was something to remember (and he has not stopped reminding me of that event ever since hahaha… ok so it was endearing for him to constantly remind me hahaha).

This year, I hadn’t really thought about a Christmas present that I’d request from him since I figured I’d already buy what I want anyway (what’s women’s lib for hehehe. We work to pay for our own indulgences… although to be a blue-blooded tai-tai’s always going to be high on my wish list hahaha). He did ask me what I wanted, but I couldn’t really put my finger on exactly what I had wanted. (Ok confession, I was already very happy with what I had brought back from Tokyo so I wasn’t really lusting for anything in particular anymore… Yes, yes, thebaghag CAN be content with what she has too, you know! :D)

But oh, I had loved the LV Neverfull Murakami at MOCA since I first saw photos of it. And that’s one bag I didn’t have. Many of you LV addicts fell in love with it too πŸ™‚ And you know how that’s like when we fall “in love” with a bag– we will blindly pay seller’s price for it. I, on the other hand, realized that I was not willing to pay a few thousand pesos more for a bag that I can honestly live without (well I admit I had a few sleepless nights hahaha)– especially not after my new purchase! *Woohoo and no, not the right time to reveal it yet*.

So, instead of hounding my galpal in LA for it (and I tell you, she refuses to be “used” by me for a bag hahahaha), I asked Louis Vuitton Greenbelt 4 if they could procure one for me. I get a call a few days later saying they CAN get one for me. (You see hags, LV Greenbelt 4 has THE power to get you those LV runway bags and limited edition pieces– you just need to ask!) The boutique price for the LV Murakami at MOCA Neverfull MM is Php 51,500. That saved me a good Php 20k from resellers hahaha *woooohoooo!!! I SAVED!!!! hahaha pathetic*

And sooo, this lil baghag got a bagheaven-sent text from LV‘s RDV, saying THE bag has arrived! I dropped all my errands and trooped over to LV to pick up the prized one πŸ™‚ *Thank you sooo much Ms.P and Ms.R for getting me the bag!*

OK, before anything else, I wanted to say that the air at the Louis Vuitton boutique was so festive– so many shoppers were there to buy themselves presents, and the men were clueless as ever, seeking help from the very helpful sales associates who pointed them in the right bag direction for their wives, girlfriends and so on (mistresses too, perhaps? haha)

‘Tis the season of giving (and regifting for most hahahaha), and DH decided that he is going to “give” this year– by paying for my new bag!! WOOHOO MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME πŸ™‚ *dang, this Christmas time sure is THE season for bag buying!!!*

So ladies and baghags, my Louis Vuitton Neverfull Murakami at MOCA πŸ™‚
And oh, I got a nice pressie for the wonderful peeps of LV Greenbelt too! To the folks at LV Greenbelt who get to read this post, THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

This was an almost perfect day indeed!! I hope you hags get as bag lucky *hehehe perhaps a birkin from your loved ones? hahaha…* Ack! ok, time for my slice of humble pie– sorry for bragging about my pressie, you know how I am when it comes to new bags– especially ones I don’t have to pay for… hahahaa. Sorreeeeeyyy πŸ˜›


P.S. TRESORMAKATI.COM will temporarily cease operations from December 22- 27 for the Holiday Break. But TRESORIE will remain open on December 24 (from 1pm- 5pm) and be closed on December 25 to celebrate Christmas Day.


4 thoughts on “My Christmas Pressie!!

  1. really enjoyed reading your blogs. am a late bloomer in bags, just got my first LV 5 days ago.just a question, why do you have to cover your face in the pics, you’re pretty, I read the Metro story on your Goyards. all the best in 2008!

  2. is there a specific person at the LV Greenbelt that i need to contact who can get this bag for me as well? I was told that you can only get the bag by physically going to the store in LA.. PLEASE HELP – I MUST have this bag. – jo

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