And Now, The Headlines

In the market for a head-turning canvas tote? This Anya Hindmarch Headline Printed Canvas Tote might just be the bag for you ๐Ÿ™‚


Not satisfied with the headline above? Go with this Anya Hindmarch Headline Printed Canvas Tote

iconversion then!

Lol this is a hoot!

I think these would make fun bags for a journalist– haha, especially if you write for The Daily Mail , The Daily Mirror, The Sun, News of the World *ok that’d be an ouch more than a lol* or okay, The Telegraph ๐Ÿ™‚ Kidding aside, I quite like the quirkiness of the headline bag, it really does give the good ol’ canvas bag a great lift and a half. If you go for your daily commute and get bored, you could always read your bag’s headline too ๐Ÿ™‚
For the bag’s price based on its fun factor and its functionality, I give it two thumbs up. Go ahead, purchase the Anya Hindmarch Headline Printed Canvas Totes HERE today ๐Ÿ™‚

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