Royal Watch: The Purple Duchess

Catherine wears a purple dress by Issa and a black clutch by Anya Hindmarch. She looks really skinny in this dress. I do love the dress a lot (hello, it had me at Purple!), but I really prefer her look with the cream Reiss dress which made her look perfect.

Credit: Associated Press

Here’s a closer look at her dress. I love that she pinned on that all- diamond maple leaf brooch again πŸ™‚

Photo credit: Splash

Reports have it that she has changed into 5 outfits in 24 hours. To deny that she’s a clotheshorse is a gross understatement– she is one! πŸ™‚  But know what? I love her for it, because it’s a really entertaining visual feast πŸ™‚ And if she didn’t change so much, I’d not have much to write about her– so this is all good πŸ™‚ 
She looks beautiful, but it’s through this Issa dress that I wish she puts on a teeny bit more “meat” on her person. I think every time someone becomes too thin, the cartilage/ veins on the neck become a little too obvious and it “ages” the person somehow. So Duchess, go enjoy some good ol’ Canadian bacon for brekkie tomorrow πŸ™‚ 
And meanwhile, Prince William looks like he’s in top form πŸ™‚ Loved that he spoke in French earlier. It’s endearing πŸ™‚ 

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