More from Bangkok!

This time, it’s all about fruits! We ended up in a fruit market after an hour drive from Rama Road πŸ™‚ But before the mini “road trip”, we couldn’t resist buying green mangoes from one of the street carts. I bought this not because of the mangoes (quite frankly I like Philippine mangoes better because they are more sour/ sweeter. In other words, they have more “taste”). I bought these because of the spices that came with it. These mangoes (or any other fruits for that matter) taste great with the spices. MmMmmm…. (I am going to buy this again later :D)

Anyway, here are the fruits that we found in the market πŸ™‚

Lanzones (and I have no idea what they’re called in English)

Lychees (which were a little sour)

Mangosteen (I honestly don’t recall having tasted these before hahaha. I have poor memory)


Sugar Apple

Durian!!! This is my favorite!!

Durian is said to be some kind of aphrodisiac (hahaha this can’t possibly be the reason why I like it LOL). It smells like garbage, but tastes like heaven! πŸ˜€

There are always 5 compartments inside each Durian πŸ™‚ (Or at least that’s what I’ve noticed)

Rambutan (it tastes like lychees)

Lots of mangoes! (For sticky rice dessert hahaha)

But I have to say this– Thai mangoes can’t beat Philippine mangoes. Hands down, Philippine mangoes are still the best! πŸ™‚

And before I forget, here’s a group photo of my friends and I during my last Bangkok trip πŸ™‚ We had a blast!!!

Thanks CV Travel for arranging the super last- minute trip and making it an extremely memorable one! And now, we’re off to breakfast πŸ™‚ Good morning, everyone!!


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