Food Blog: Bangkok Fooooood!

Hehehehe sorry if I teased you all with my previous video blog reveal πŸ™‚ Hehehehe thought the rubber chicken was really, really funny (actually it’s freaky because of the sound the chicken makes when squeezed hahaha). I haven’t thought of a name for rubber chicken yet, but give me a little time. Perhaps I’ll even need a set of godparents from readers here  πŸ˜€

I’ve been having the time of my life here in Bangkok with my “royal wedding” friends because we have not stopped laughing at all– even when we were already in the middle of our respective massages! It has been craaaazy fun!!!

So now, how can I not blog about food in Bangkok when the very reason for us coming here is to stuff ourselves with food? πŸ™‚  Since today’s a Sunday, it’s also my FOOD BLOG DAY πŸ™‚ We ended up having a quick meal at the Siam Paragon Food Court yesterday *I know, loooooooser– because we could’ve found a better place to eat, but we were just way too hungry to leave the place*. I didn’t know the name of the restaurant– it started with the word “Ging”. πŸ˜€ *horrid memory, no?*

So here’s the food parade πŸ™‚

Pomelo Salad with Prawns

This is SOOOO SPICY!!!!

Fried fish with chili sauce

And my favorite, Tom Yum Noodle Soup. Soooooo gooooooood!!!!!

And my meal wouldn’t have been complete without Mango with sticky rice and coconut cream! MmmMMmmmmm…..

Let me leave you all with these photos. In the meantime I will be rubbing my belly and getting a few good hours of sleep before we head out for another day’s adventure πŸ˜‰


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