Royal Watch: The Night Before The Wedding of The Year!

After writing about Harrod’s for the blog, I went straight to Westminster Abbey with Claudette who also flew in with friends for the big day. 
I just had to see how the crowds were like tonight. After all, in less than 12 hours, the world will watch “commoner” Catherine Middleton become Princess Catherine!

Here’s a quick video of the scene at Westminster Abbey.

Look at the sea of people camped out!

 You can hardly walk anymore! I can imagine how much more packed this place will get by tomorrow!

 The Metropolitan Police were already all over the place

Well wishes for the Royal Couple!


I walked past the Abbey (attempted to follow the procession route tomorrow) and there was the Big Ben and Union Jacks that lined the street!

Everyone was in a festive mood!

 Princess Diana would’ve been so proud and so happy…

A young woman paints a Union Jack flag on her face. Pretty good too because she was doing this in the dark!

My souvenir shot which screams “I was THERE!” πŸ™‚

Sooooo coooold!!!
I hope that I can wake up early tomorrow to go there and find my “spot”! I can’t wait to see all this unfold. It’s so exciting! I can’t imagine how either Kate Middleton or Prince William can even sleep tonight! πŸ™‚

A last look at the Westminster Abbey before we left.

PS will the Abbey souvenir shop be open tomorrow? Hehehe

Tomorrow again, peeps. Please keep your fingers crossed that I get a good spot. Good spot= good photos to share with you all πŸ™‚ 

Good night from cold London!  *(PS I wish I had brought a huge Philippine flag with me!) πŸ˜€


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