Photo Album: Westminster Abbey 2 Nights Before the Royal Wedding!

Being in Westminster Abbey 2 nights before the big Royal Wedding was surreal. I mingled with fellow royal watchers who were camping out for 2 straight nights just to get prime spots for the wedding. Here are some photos I took, and I hope I was able to capture the vibe that night for you all! 

Took the long way to the Abbey, passing by Big Ben first ๐Ÿ™‚ London Eye in the distance

The Abbey from the side

Floors were being scrubbed, cleaned, polished for the Royal family and their guests

And this is where Kate will walk through last as a commoner, and first as a princess ๐Ÿ™‚

It was a busy night in The Abbey. Last minute preparations including wedding rehearsals took place just hours before.

And from across The Abbey, are the hardcore royal watchers who have set up camp!

More photos of their different tents/ set-ups!

Zebra prints

Guards kept a close watch

The imposing Westminster Abbey

Yes, they love Britain. Very much ๐Ÿ™‚

A royal watcher gets interviewed by a television network

A little turret of a tent ๐Ÿ™‚

More Union Jack love

A look from across the street. Royal couple love abound! It’s infectious!

As I walked away from Westminster Abbey, I saw this Tiffany poster with a scribble of “Wills” ๐Ÿ™‚  It was too cute. Prince William and Catherine Middleton = โค

What a beautiful but chilly night in London! Hope you all enjoyed these photos and the video blogs! More on the Royal Wedding in a few hours ๐Ÿ™‚


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