I Want Candy!

No, I don’t want the candy that will only do one thing to your teeth: ruin it. I want the guiltless kind– the Furla Candy bags! 
Confession: I saw the upcoming Fall/Winter 2011-2012 collection before I actually saw the current one up close. Yes, so I am a little behind, but oye that still doesn’t mean I’m too late– after all, it’s just the beginning of summer πŸ™‚ 

I have to say, the bags are so yummy to look at!

I love that these bags are shaped like the classic Speedy, so it’s already guaranteed that the bag will be easy to use. And I especially like how the bag is waterproof– this is the perfect bag to carry on a gloomy, rainy day– it’ll brighten the day up without fail!
Not a lot else needs to be said about this bag. It’s a clear winner in my book and is something I’d definitely recommend for purchase! Here are my favorite colors (ok actually all of them I loooove!!!)
*This bag though has to be my favorite– it’s the “ghost” bag :)*

It’s not exactly theft deterrent though, and you need to be a little OC about what things you put inside the bag, but hah, it’s a really fun piece to own *lol you will need an opaque pouch to hide those napkins or tampons or what- nots though :D*

For when you like to add a little color to the “ghost” bag πŸ™‚ 

And then of course this color which just matches practically everything in an “I’m- a- casual- kinda- girl- everyday” closet πŸ™‚ 
Ms. Furlanetto has, in her hands, a winning collection! I can’t wait to go look for these bags in my local Furla boutique! Which is your favorite color? πŸ™‚


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