All About My Roommate Janina!

I can’t wait to share photos of my gorgeous roommate Janina Nectara, introduced to us by our good friend Sherren *whom I miss dearly!!* a year ago. From that introduction onwards, whenever Janina and I have the same shows we need to attend, we would go together πŸ™‚ And that was how we ended up becoming roommates in Paris!


Janina is a very famous fashion designer in Romania– and I am only too proud to show you some photos of  her work πŸ™‚
Janina’s very good with feathers and plumes! Love this skirt!!

She is not only talented as a designer, she is also currently the international fashion correspondent for Antenna 1 tv network in Romania. She is her best model– everything she wears is of her own design. She is trΓ©s, trΓ©s chic!!

Gorgeous with her LV vernis Alma

Interviewing Antonio Marras at Kenzo

Outside the show

I super love her skirt here!

With legendary photographer Bill Cunningham

She has also been featured in international magazines

Vogue US (yellow bag on the mid right)

Grazia (red bag, 2nd photo bottom)

We were both in Paris when my Hermes Marwari GM bag giveaway contest was underway, so I  asked her to pick out a winner from all the entries. She has mentioned how difficult the process was, and so decided that the winner be chosen randomly πŸ™‚ Yes, despite her crazy schedule (she is getting married this July), she was able to find the time to pick out a winner πŸ™‚ THANK YOU JANINA!! I will be publishing the winner’s twitter ID and name at midnight (April 6), and the winner has 3 days to get in touch with me at to “claim” the bag as his/ hers. After the 3 day period if no contact is made, the bag goes to the 2nd person that Janina has chosen πŸ™‚
So yes, tonight by midnight (make that tomorrow) April 6, stay tuned for the post on who wins. For now, I just want to introduce you to my Fashion Week roommate πŸ™‚ 
If you love her clothes (like I do– she specializes in plume skirts and jackets), you can reach her by emailing ,, or through her showroom at 62 Branduselor Str. Ground Floor, 2nd Apt., 3rd District Bucharest Romania.
I also want to inform you peeps that yes, she does made-to-order pieces, and she ships internationally!! She shipped out a super gorgeous black feathered jacket  to me which I was supposed to wear to the Tod’s event but it just got too hot 😦 So I am waiting for the next event when I can wear her creation (I am excited for that!).
And one more super important thing that I learned from Janina after the Fashion Week rooming experience? Music! I would often play Cafe Del Mar music from my laptop and would catch her whining about how “sad” my songs are *hahaha, Janina they’re meant to calm us down*, so instead of playing the sad songs, she introduced me to Vanessa De Mata’s Ai Ai Ai, which to this day, I play just to remind us of our fun times as roommates during Fashion Week πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ *I always laugh when I play this πŸ˜€ because Janina and I would play this when we’re in the apartment every night before we go to sleep– it was kinda like a national anthem hahaha*
Here’s a youtube video of the actual song, which I hope you too can laugh about and enjoy πŸ™‚

Don’t forget to “tune” in tomorrow morning at 12:00am for the winner’s name πŸ™‚


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