Who’s the Real Boss at Goyard?

This has got to be one of the cutest photos this season. No it’s not a photo of  a bag, nor is it of a coat or of a pair of shoes.

It’s of a dog! A Parson Jack Russell Terrier. At the Maison Goyard shop in Saint Honore!

Her name is Tina, and she belongs to owner Jean- Michel Signoles.

When she’s at the Goyard boutique, she loves to go up and down the stairs and stay by the trunk of the Duke of Windsor (or a few steps below it) and just watch the clients come in and out of the shop.

When Tina is around, so is Msr. Signoles. Alas I didn’t have the chance to meet him as he had momentarily stepped out when I went through the Maison doors. And I had to rush off to another presentation and couldn’t wait for him 😦

Here’s another look at Tina πŸ™‚ *adorable!!*

I love how familial this brand remains, don’t you? πŸ™‚ *It’s nice to take your dog to work every day πŸ˜€ I can’t imagine having to bring Elvis to work everyday though… hehehe my doggie’s kinda rowdy (hehehe very much like the owner lol)*

And speaking of Goyard, how do you like their latest bag, the Grenadine?

Leather top and strap (adjustable), and bottom leather trim

What do you peeps think of the bag? This is what took the place of the fidji. It’s still a hobo but it’s not really that similar to a fidji in design.

Alrighty this is it for now, I am going to attempt to sleep early tonight in the hopes I make it to the Louis Vuitton show on time tomorrow *I’d better– or I’m toast!*

Share your thoughts on the latest Goyard bag, ok? πŸ™‚


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