Can I Help It…

If I’m still so hung up on my last vacation? Here’s another one of those times I am posting a photo of myself. Full frontal baby hahaha 😀

Don’t I look serene and so at peace here?

Photo taken by my friend while we were on the yacht *sunset cruise*
Yes, that’s our kayak! We went snorkeling after we got to Kawayan Cove. *Sigh.. dreamy look*

 I am still so spaced out from my vacation. It has been a week and I’m still on beach mode. Suffice to say, I was so unproductive this whole week. I couldn’t function properly without thinking of the beach! My friend Daphne’s a beach baby, and looks like I have officially become one too!

Oh wait, I was actually quite productive– I went back to practicing bikram yoga! Yes, so give me a pat on the back the next time you see me 🙂
Happy Sunday everyone!!! *Oh, and guess what, I’m at Bar Dolci having gelato. Again. For the 3rd day in a row!!!*
Mrs. T

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