A Glimpse of…

… my bikini! 🙂 I super loooove the fit!!!

Photo taken outside our beach “casita” villa

I bought my Gottex bikini a few days before the trip from this new resortwear/ swimwear website called “I am High Maintenance” *so befitting hahaha* —  (www.im-hm.com). I do want to add they have excellent customer service!

I dare not show my 2- piece bikini photo even if I loved the way it fits me *believe me, a photo of me in a 2-piece bikini is just not for public consumption hahaha… or wait, I could actually become the poster girl for “This-could-happen-to-you-if-you-eat-too-much-junk-food” 😀 * So that’s pretty much the most “revealing” photo there is *let’s keep my blog a rated G one hehehehe*
Anyway, this was the last shot my friend took of me before we all left the island for Manila.
Not in ideal yogini form, but oye, I TRIED! (I promise, I’m going back to Bikram Yoga already)
A night shot of the Beach Club…

Thank you JACA and Aman Resorts for our super wonderful and unforgettable time in Amanpulo!!! (And super thanks again CV Travel for the vacation package on Amanpulo– or else I wouldn’t have been able to afford it!)
It’s back to the real world again! 🙂 
Mrs. T

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