Pucker Up for Your "Valentine" !

I realized we have less than a month left before Valentine’s Day *ack!*. I actually haven’t collected my Christmas Present from DH yet hahaha. And wow, I bet he isn’t a happy camper knowing Hearts Day is just a few weeks away!

Anyway, I have been wanting a cute *borderline kitschy* clutch. I’ve always found clutches on the boring/ safe side, and have been having trouble looking for a real cool one. Everything’s really “classic” in style, and if not classic, it’s too blinged- up (think Judith Leiber– they’re nice but they’re just not my style… yet haha).  Plus I really don’t want to spend too much money on a clutch unless it’s really super cute. For the longest time, I couldn’t really find a good one until I saw this!

Lulu Guinness Padded Snakeskin Lips Clutch

Pucker Up! πŸ™‚

The clutch zips open and looks quite roomy. And I love this bright red color! πŸ™‚ *I have lips envy– I am crushing on Angelina Jolie’s lips… bah, who isn’t? :D*. Since I don’t have those nice juicy *hehe* and pouty lips, I think this clutch will do just fine!

*Sigh* I’d love to meet Lulu Guinness one day. I think her bag designs are so much fun! I still remember buying my 1st Lulu Guinness bag even before I met my husband (it was the cutest boxy “boutique” bag– and I have no idea where it is now 😦  I should ask my Mom about it…). So it’s nice to rediscover her once again. Makes me realize how much I love her merchandise πŸ™‚

There are more designs of the perfect Valentine’s Lips Clutch *available in different colors and textures!*, other super cute clutches like the London taxi clutch in black
Too Cute!!!

 as well as totes like this Black Dolly Bag (where you can actually dress the doll up in several outfits!)

Dress Me Up!

For the complete HAPPY *because they make me happy πŸ™‚ line of bags, visit  Lulu Guinness Online

Lulu Guinness Shop Lip Clutches

*Hehehe* Pathetic, I’m still sending Christmas gifts right now. It’s almost February! But hah, at least I will be ready early for Valentine’s Day with the lips clutch *and hopefully that Black Dolly bag which I’m praying DH will get for me hahaha*

Have a great Tuesday, everyone! Oh, and if you have suggestions on entertainment/ where to go on February 14, please share! πŸ™‚
Mrs. T

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