Travelog: Holiday 2010 in San Francisco!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of blog posts– as some of you may already know, I am living in the boonies here in San Francisco and have yet to get internet access via my computer. In the meantime though, I’ve been tweeting regularly through my phone– so if you have twitter, do follow me at for updates πŸ˜‰
Now that I’m inside the Apple store here in Walnut Creek, I decided to just take my computer out and go online *yes, I am a leech LOL*. A lot has changed here in Walnut Creek and I am so excited because come Spring 2012 *oh, eeps that’s still a whole year and a half away*, Neiman Marcus will finally open! Boonieville no more! πŸ™‚
Tonight, dinner will be at our town’s Cheesecake Factory
Quite frankly though, I’d much rather get fresh produce from the grocery and cook at home, but hehehe when it comes to dessert, you can’t expect me to contribute much. So I guess Cheesecake Factory is the answer. Boo. *Like I need to eat more cheesecake. FYI, I’ve been binge-drinking grocery- bought egg nog (sans the liquor– coz I’m designated driver 99% of the time) and also soy- based pumpkin spice. Both of which are reallllly fattening*.
Before I head off to enjoy the rest of Walnut Creek like the rest of my family, let me just post some quick photos of shop windows. I haven’t really gone around much yet, so more photos will come in the next day or so *when I get the chance to go online again*
Max Azria

Juicy Couture

Inside David M. Brian– they have moved to the space across the street to make way for Neiman Marcus

Crate and Barrel. I can’t wait to go in!

Gotta get us one of these baby pine trees!!
I am crossing my fingers that I get to blog more regularly, but if I don’t, do follow me on twitter– and you’ll know what I’m up to πŸ™‚
Hope you are all having a wonderful week so far! Oh and by the way, my Christmas shopping has NOT ended yet. I think I’m cursed with an expanding Christmas list hahaha πŸ™‚

Nokia contest has ended, but I need to begin verifying the “likes” on the top 3 contenders as there are some phantom accounts that my friends and I discovered. So to be fair to all, I need to have them all checked out.
So that’s that for now and more updates soon!!
Mrs. T

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