Whatever happened to my Couch Fund?

What a crazy busy day today. Last night I “crashed” early because I’ve lacked sleep for the last few days. Some loser had to catch up with paperwork: the loser = me *booohooo!!*  Sooo, the granny in me took over and I just went to bed early ๐Ÿ˜€
I was just thinking about how I harped about not having any “proper” furniture in the house when I began blogging *alas, furniture fund went to bag fund hahaha*. I’ve missed the opportunity to buy some fairly good pieces because I had already *ahem* invested my money in some good bags *and then some good shoes hahaha*.
This Christmas though, I had been contemplating on getting something for the house. Where to start, I wondered. Furniture shopping is really daunting because there isn’t really a “set” price or a price comparison of a certain piece to another because well, it’s nothing like a designer bag where you can compare prices in different stores and have a basis of some sort. 
And then I realized my friend Daphne has a furniture line! *whacks myself for not having realized this sooner!!*

So I asked Daphne to send over some photos of her line. What do you know,  there are two pieces that I am loooooving right now–

Sorry I don’t know what this is called. But this is such a unique “couch”!

That’s my friend, Daphne ๐Ÿ™‚ The “couch” or whatever it’s called is really quite a piece! Love it!!

And then there are these little chairs which I just have to have! 

I think I’ll buy the blues *not shown* and the pinks! I want!!!
I’ll be checking out the Daphne furniture collection in Rustan’s or at Heima as soon as I finish running my errands this week! *I personally think those pink and white chairs would make great accent pieces for the home, and are therefore great for gifts too!*
Now let me go grab my Vogue Living book. I’m in a decorating mood! ๐Ÿ˜€
Mrs. T

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