Bag Review: Bea Valdes, The Burden of Silk

I proudly own 2 Bea Valdes bags and this much I can say– the quality is impeccable!  Beadwork stitching is really “tight”, so you don’t find loose stitches or falling beads. This is what sets Bea Valdes’ bags apart from other beaded bags, not that there’s any comparison really, because a Bea Valdes bag is a Bea Valdes bag 🙂 *I hope I’m making sense here*
Bea is one Philippine- based bag and accessories designer that I admire. It’s really not often that you see the work of a Filipino featured in more than one major international fashion magazine.  Creativity and a unique “signature” that she can rightfully call her own is what catapulted Bea’s pieces into the international scene– onto the arms of celebrities and the international social set.

I was not able to attend Bea’s event at Firma a few weeks ago, but I got a chance to see some of the pieces and this one featured today is a favorite. I love the shape and the materials of the clutch! And the color is quite neutral too, so it’s something that will get you good “mileage” if you’re always attending parties.
For more Bea Valdes bags, visit Firma at Greenbelt 3 or call (+632) 757-4009. Her bags are really worth every dollar!
P.S. I am off to Europe so if you would like to follow my “adventures”, please don’t forget to follow me on 🙂 
Mrs. T

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