Travelog: The Balkans + My Photo Album!

The Winner of the Linea Pelle Bag is comment #22, based on those who sent in their votes on who should win πŸ™‚ So, I will be tweeting winner #22 shortly πŸ™‚ CONGRATULATIONS to @mayyb!!!
Now, I couldn’t resist posting my vacation photos. Don’t mind the face *yes yes I know sometimes you wish you can just slap me with a big fat trout haha*, but check out how crisp my photos are πŸ™‚  Photos of me were taken by my travel expert friend, Claudette of CV Travel. *Thank you, Claudette!!*
Ok so here’s the story behind the camera from which these photos were taken– I ended up buying a Sony NEX-5– after leaving my camera in Manila *duh*; after my Canon G7 “retired” on me *I need it ‘serviced’ soon*; after seeing how crisp photos from Claudette’s Sony Nex-5 were *SLR quality already!*. So the camera was actually the only major purchase I made during this trip *yes! NO bag! Hah, see I don’t have to buy a bag every time πŸ˜€ (good girl mode– almost Christmas! Hehehe I have a lot of godchildren who need to receive gifts hahahaha). So now let me share some photos of me *booo, camwhore time*

In Lake Bled, Slovenia

 And then some shots in Slovakia before we headed to Hungary.

In Bratislava, Slovakia
In Bratislava, Slovakia
In Esztergom, Hungary

And here’s some food porn for food lovers πŸ™‚

Fresh seafood risotto
Tagliatelle pasta with fresh cherry tomatoes and basil cream sauce

More photos in BW, Sepia, Antique finish

Lake Bled, Slovenia

Budapest, Hungary

Postonja, Slovenia

I hope you enjoyed these photos πŸ™‚ I have so much more to share, but I have to get going. Also, I promise to share some craaazy funny travel stories with you all– I’ve made some real nice friends during the tour and we all had such a fantastic time together πŸ™‚ I am really enjoying this trip. This tour is actually 18 days long, but we cut ours short– so no more Romania, Greece, and Dubai for us. We just did Ljubljana, Lake Bled, Bratislava, Budapest, Prague (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic). Peeps who are interested in travel *like I am* should join these tours with me next year! Pssst, CV Travel, can we do Italy-Spain? πŸ™‚ *Who wants to join us???? :D*

Mrs. T

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