Philippine Fashion Week: Cesar Gaupo

I have never attended any shows of Philippine Fashion Week at SMX, so last night was a first. It was also a last– Cesar Gaupo was Phil. Fashion Week’s last show. 

The Runway

Show started an hour late. Full house!
Cesar Gaupo, by the way, was once the head designer of Shanghai Tang, a post he held for 6 long years *and we Filipinos are so proud of this since rare is it that a Filipino designer makes it internationally*.
There were a total of 37 pieces for his S/S 2011 collection.

The first of the collection. Magical!

I believe Gaupo’s strength lies in construction and execution. I can see why he is considered one of the gems of the Philippine fashion industry.  Here are some of my favorites. 

Great pairing- red shoes with that dress

Very reminiscent of Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink, but this is very chic!


I really want this– I think the ruffles go with the bodysuit though…
Side view of the jacket (with ruffles) I really want
Shoes are also by Gaupo

Long and lean

Bling! These shoes were out to dazzle (and we were dazzled) but I wonder how comfy they are

One of my favorite dresses
Final walk through. I love the colors!

The designer, Cesar Gaupo
This show is world- class. I have to hand it not only to designer Cesar Gaupo, but also to the show’s director Ariel Lozada. The solo guitarist was wonderful too. Congratulations Cesar and Ariel, it was a beautiful show!
How about you peeps? Tell me which ones are your favorites! πŸ™‚

Anyway, the show was a great way to end the month of October (oh and I can’t forget 2 days of trick or treating with my kids which was sooo much fuuuun πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ *I ate so much candy haha*)

Oh and lastly, I’d like to say thank you to the team of Buensalido & Associates for assisting me earlier πŸ™‚
Mrs. T

**Photos published on this post are the sole property of If you wish to republish these photos, please request permission from me. Thank you very much for respecting my request! :)**

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