Food Blog: Spain’s Los Caracoles (Cafe Bofarull)

Today’s food photos came from one of my photo archives. Thank goodness I found this 🙂 It cannot not be shared 🙂

In Barcelona, one of the restaurants we went to was Los Caracoles (Casa Bofarull).  You can miss this place very easily– the only thing that made me realize it was a restaurant was the chicken roasting on a spit outside.
Inside though, the place was a bustling restaurant full of happy diners. And the place was BIG. It’s not like one big area, it was more like a maze.
There was a huge open kitchen immediately after the bar– and every guest ends up going through this area.

One of the dining areas.

Our super friendly servers whom I ended up speaking to in my broken Spanish 🙂 *Daddy, all those language lessons paid off hahaha… NOT!*

If you are in a restaurant called Los Caracoles, you cannot not order los caracoles! What are they?

Yep, that’s it. El Caracole. Escargot. Snail 😀 Hehehe he looks like he slithered off from this plate below 😀 *ok, I think I just made this dish really unappetizing*

Seriously though, this dish is worth trying. No, this is not another Fear Factor thing. I think the food I had in Taiwan was way more “adventurous”,  non?
Cochinillo or roast suckling pig. I am normally not a big fan of cochinillo but wow, this takes the cake for being the best I’ve ever had!

We ordered Paella Negra as well

And washed everything down with a pitcher of Sangria. My friend Claudette and I practically staggered back to the hotel after we finished everything hahaha. It’s a good thing her clients from CV Travel whom she accompanied on the trip were really super cool  hahahaha  *good times!!!* 😀
If you get the chance to go to Barcelona, make sure to reserve a table in advance at Los Caracoles, C/ D´escudellers, 14 08002. Oh, and for that extra good time like we all did, make sure to order their Sangria 🙂
Happy Sunday, everyone! 🙂
Mrs. T

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