The Perfect Travel Bag?

I’m taking a breather from packing for a three day trip with my 2nd kid. Yes, I fly out again. Because I think the best way to spend time with my second child is to have time alone together without the eldest one :). I figured I have never done this before so it’s high time I did. I need to bond with my not-so-little-one- anymore before the smart aleck realizes that mom’s not cool to hang out with after all *hahahaha*.
As I was packing, I realized I am still in search of a bag that would fit all my stuff + my kid’s stuff for travel. And well, while the Hermes evelyne suits me fine, I still find the space on that bag rather lacking. Plus, I don’t want everything bobbing around in one place– I’d like to think I am a very organized traveler. And that bag will so not make me organized (unless I start packing everything into little pouches again– a trick I learned from my Mom :D)

So I searched around the net for one, and I think this bag just might work for me πŸ™‚



DSquared’s multi- compartment bag just might fit the bill, making traveling with a kid a whole lot easier. The bag looks like a very rugged birkin (of course I’d do injustice to the Hermes birkin by comparing the DSquared bag to one, but then the shape’s quite similar– not alike. Similar). I am hoping this bag is not too heavy, because I really think I am getting it. And using it for travel. What do you peeps think? I like the vibe to it– it looks like it has “traveled” πŸ™‚
Available at  LUISAVIAROMA.COM for €585 *this is the bag’s price if shipped to the Philippines*. Not bad, right? It comes out to about Php 35k!. I waaaant πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ *giddy*
On a different note, I want to share a link with you peeps, sent by my tweetfriend Jubiesparklez in support of her friend who is auditioning for Glee πŸ™‚  Click HERE to watch and support πŸ™‚

P.S. Shameless plug here! Tresorie will be celebrating her 3rd anniversary this Saturday, May 22 by having a cash break sale! Merchandise from Accessory Lab (yes, pieces from there will be at Tresorie), bags, D!Luxe and Crystalarium by Rodina Velasco, and Carmen Reyes for 8 & a Half Clothing will be marked down especially for the anniversary– the sale is a one day event only!! For more details, please check out or call (+632) 890-0037. πŸ™‚

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