Reebok’s "I Believe" Winner + Saturday’s event

A week ago, Reebok’s “I Believe” contest winner, Trixie Lim, came to claim her Reebok Gift Certificate πŸ™‚

Congratulations, Trixie!!! She’s so adorable!! πŸ™‚

Now, I am getting ready again to attend a concert tonight by Julio Iglesias

 *hehehe DM’s favorite*. The concert tonight will also feature our country’s own megastar, Sharon Cuneta.

I’ve never seen Sharon Cuneta perform but I know she’s got “THE voice” πŸ™‚ So I can’t wait to see it.
Hopefully I can tweet while I’m there hahaha πŸ™‚ Anyway, if I don’t get to blog tonight, I will definitely blog tomorrow.

Anyone by chance watching this show tonight as well? Send me a tweet πŸ™‚ Twitter ID: thebaghag

(will credit photos later coz I totally forgot where they’re from, but I did a google search :D)

P.S. Ron, please email me at

Mrs. T

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