Of "Smugglers" and of In- house "IRS"/ "BIR" agents

No, this post isn’t related to anything “legal” or “illegal” for that matter. It’s about what goes on at home when baghags bring back new loot! *hehehehe* For starters, let me just tell you how grateful I am that I am no longer living in the confines of my inlaws’ place. Don’t get me wrong, we have a civil relationship, but I don’t think I’d want to be audited for the new bags I bought with my own money that I bring home πŸ˜€ 
This blog post is about some of you ladies still living with the inlaws (or what I like to call, your in-house IRS/ BIR agents hahahaha)– either it’s a mother-in-law, father-in-law, or sister-in-law (or umm worse, all of the above hahahaha! Oh and plus the husband in some cases hahaha :D)

Do you feel that you’ve become a smuggler of some sort? *Guffaw* When you get a new bag, you have to quietly “smuggle” it into the home, careful and wary of prying eyes who would assess the new bag’s financial value. And do mental calculations of how much money you managed to milk DH for your new prize. *Snicker*. Believe me, this is a story I’ve heard soooo often! I truly can’t understand why in-laws always think we girls go out and buy bags and spend our DHs’ money. (Well perhaps it’s cause some of us women do that hahaha, but oye whatever happened to the fun, fearless, financially independent woman who buys luxurious goods for herself?!). 
Eitherways, here are some of the best (and well, maybe worst hahaha) excuses/ ways I’ve heard to “smuggle” that new bag into your home. Oh and “smuggling in” the new bag is one thing, carrying it out in public afterwards is another πŸ™‚ So enjoy these and tell me if you can relate πŸ˜€

  1. The new bag will stay in the car compartment until the household is asleep. And then you quietly sneak out to bring in the new bag and it goes directly into your closet– at the very back of your closet!
  2. The new bag manages to be smuggled into the house without anyone noticing, but then DH is actually the one who audits you, your own friggin’ personal IRS/ BIR agent! *hahahaha* So what do you do? Hide it under the bed (along with all your other new loot hahahaha) and don’t use it until you’re sure DH is already out and won’t have that chance to see you. By the time he sees it, your bag’s already quite old. Which allows you to segue into #3–
  3. Famous three words, “This old thing?” *Muwahahahaha* When one of the “outlaws”  or the DH notices your new bag, immediately brush him/ her off and say that the bag’s been at your parents’ house and it was only recently that you brought it back to use.
  4. When the inlaws ask about that new arm candy of yours, you retreat immediately and say “it’s actually fake and I got it so cheap only.” Oooh I’ve heard this soo many times. In fact one of my girl friends told her sister-in-law that her bag was fake, only to have sister-in-law borrow the bag on a few occasions (ok what’s up with the borrowing?! Ok so I’m selfish hahaha). My friend was so afraid that her sister-in-law would end up asking for the bag, but luckily the bag was a bit too heavy for her, so she duly returned it after a few times of use.
  5. To prevent the inlaws from seeing a new bag, a baghag friend of ours puts her new bag into a plastic bag each time she leaves the house *guffaws*. I was thinking, an SM/ Landmark/ Rustan’s supermarket plastic bag? Hahahahaha *dies*. Then when she gets into the car, she takes the bag out of the plastic bag and folds the plastic bag into her new bag. *guffaws*
  6. “Oh my mom bought this for me”. Yep, blame it on your own mom πŸ™‚ But this works all the time. They can’t possibly question where your mother found the funds to buy you that new bag. The inlaws can’t possibly think that your DH gave your mom money to buy you that bag, right? But don’t use this excuse too often or it will get old!
  7. When all else fails and you’re just tired of the inlaws’ prying eyes and all those internal auditing of what new bag you have, just put on your brightest smile and tell your inlaws, “Your son bought it for me.” (even if it’s not true hahahaha… because they will think it anyway, so might as well make your husband look good, that he’s a good provider :D)

Okay, if you have never used these excuses and are refreshened with ideas, use one of these when you bring home that gorgeous new Chloe Marlow python

priced at Β£2,945 or that beautiful and functional Alexander Mc Queen Faithful satchel

priced at Β£860, or the new Alexander Wang Rocco mini studded leather bag

priced at Β£870. All these bags are available at Net-a-porter.

And if these bags come in the mail, you can always tell your in-house auditors that this bag belongs to your friend and she just asked to send it to your address because it’s “safer” *hahaha from HER in-house auditors* πŸ™‚
P.S. Happy Birthday, DH!! *I hope today’s also a better day for me, health- wise!*  πŸ™‚

Mrs. T

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