Mrs. T feels "off" today

Today was not such a good day for me. I woke up feeling like I didn’t get enough sleep– this would’ve been a normal feeling, but last night’s tea au lait at UCC must’ve had so much caffeine that I really had a restless sleep. What’s worse really is, yesterday I had two eggs benedict. I’m thinking my cholesterol levels shot up big time and gave me that physical feeling of uneasiness, as well as crazy palpitations, coupled with on-and-off tunnel vision. It was a miracle I was actually able to drive myself this afternoon to Manila Golf Club to meet up with DB to discuss details of our impending trip.

Apres Manila Golf, I headed back home and had to cancel all my other meetings because I felt so nauseous and was palpitating wildly. I thought the ticker was going to give out on me. So I had to go home and sleep it off. It didn’t really help, but then I felt slightly better. I was so looking forward to the Ballet Barbie event tonight
but I had to skip it. It was either I just sleep in or I faint on the spot at the event. I think I’d rather save myself the embarrassment for once 😀 

Anyway, after a good 2 hour massage tonight, I feel a little better. Good enough to get out of bed and blog. I am now typing as I sniff out the contents of my little bottle of White Flower *hehehe I smell like an old woman*. I realized one thing tonight. I am really going to have to start living a healthier lifestyle. I haven’t exercised since last year (yes, exercising is a summer activity for me hahaha). I can’t forego eating my favorite foods, but I believe the key now is moderation (since I know I have no brakes when it comes to eating my fave foods). I’m no Spring Chicken anymore 😦  So you will see thebaghag doing “healthy” very soon.

Aaand speaking of *ahem* old, DH turns one year older tomorrow *Happy birthday DH!!! :D*! And for now, I bid you all adieu as I need to crawl back to bed and sleep off whatever this is. Happy Saint Patty’s Day everyone!!!

Mrs. T

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