Salcedo Market a Day before Chinese New Year/ V Day

Happy Saturday peeps! I actually fell asleep this afternoon after embarking on a morning food trip to Salcedo Market with the kiddies.

At Salcedo Market, there were flowers.

Some folks were ordering roses like these for their loved ones.

Cheesyyyy *hahahaha boy where’s my romantic side today, right? hahaha* (I’m just sour graping because I won’t be receiving roses tomorrow hahahaha)

I went to Salcedo to buy veggies, actually.

Cherry tomatoes from this vendor were expensivo– Php 40 per pack

 (I later found another vendor selling an equal amount of cherry tomatoes for just Php 15. Bah).

We love Alugbati sauteed with garlic. I don’t know what this veggie is called in English. But we only eat the leaves. I’ve also had alugbati salad, so perhaps this would be good served uncooked.

 Seafood galore

I bought some pampano, which would taste real nice grilled, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and served on a bed of fresh arugula with a little squeeze of lemon juice. Mmmm… πŸ™‚
Native chicken. And those eggs which came from the insides of the chickens…

I thought of buying these sea mantis (or I am not sure what they’re really called- below left, beside the scallops)
I don’t own a LARGE (like I’m talking HUGE) wok, which would be good to use to fry sea mantis– with lots of garlic and fresh red peppers and chili… (I really want to learn how to make those chili mantis which my friends and I had in Hong Kong)

And speaking of Hong Kong, there’s dimsum at Salcedo Market!

More food all over

And then you have what I like to call “Exotics”: From Everybody’s Cafe (Kapampangan food):

Frog (!!!!)

Crickets (!!!)

Apparently both very good! But, umm…. I didn’t want to try them. I admit to having liked frog legs before– I was a wee kid eating weekly at our family restaurant, Emerald Garden, and each time we’re there, DD would order Frog Legs. But now as an adult, I don’t even dare try them hahahaha. I am adventurous with food, but I think not THAT adventurous anymore πŸ˜€

Oh and guess what was also at Salcedo Market? The Dragon and lions of Chinese New Year πŸ™‚

And speaking of Chinese New Year (which is tomorrow), I am going to the Mandarin Oriental Chinese New Year Party tonight. Are any of you peeps going? Let me know– I’d love to meet you πŸ™‚

P.S. Off topic: My friend told me to wear NEW, RED underwear *dies of laughter* to sleep tonight because it’s Chinese New Year’s eve (to prepare for Chinese New Year). Is there any particular reason for this? Hahahahaha. I asked, why can’t it just be NEW underwear? Why does it have to be red? And what if red isn’t our lucky color this year? She just laughed and shrugged and said she will still wear new red underwear πŸ˜€ Hahahaha. By the way, NO, I am NOT wearing new red underwear today, just in case you are wondering *Although I briefly contemplated on buying new red underwear hahaha. Which I won’t wear until they get washed. But wait, if I wash new red underwear, is it still new, or will I wash away the “luck”? hahahaha.* ANY THOUGHTS ON THIS? Hahahahaha!!! 

KUNG HEI FAT CHOI Peeps πŸ™‚ Have some nian gaw or Tikoy tomorrow, first thing πŸ™‚


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