Fashion Critique from the "Un-Chique" ;)

I know, I know, I’m not one to judge on awards night fashion highs and lows. After all, there are those who question my fashion sense to my face and then some *snickers hehehe*. Tsk, I honestly don’t have the authority to write about fashion or critique it because I don’t even have a degree in fashion from FIT, Parsons, Central Saint Martins, or even from the equally good local fashion schools here.  😦 Besides, I can’t even look good in any of those outfits (no matter how beautiful they are haha *I can ruin a good dress hahaha*). But isn’t it just fun to look at the designer clothes on celebs? You don’t need a degree in fashion to talk fashion– at least not all the time and hehehe, certainly not today on my blog *woooohoooo* πŸ˜€ Besides, I want to pretend I’m “kinda” chic so I can also pretend to have the authority to blog about the clothes and the celebs from the ‘Globes πŸ˜‰ *Note the common keyword: pretend!*

Pretentious baghagwannabe alert!
Anyway, without further ado, the women from the Golden Globes πŸ˜‰

Sigourney Weaver, gorgeous at 60!

Her gown has that Madame GrΓ©s look to it, though I don’t know who made it. Here’s a little celluloid 411 on Sigourney– did you know she is the daughter of Sylvester Pat Weaver, creator of NBC’s Today Show and The Tonight Show? She is Hollywood royalty, peeps πŸ™‚

“If I could turn back time…”
Peeps, remember Cher and her Bob Mackie Bling Bling Gowns? πŸ˜€ *Snicker*. This gown’s another yikes, but perhaps that’s what makes Cher, Cher! πŸ™‚ She still has an awesome voice, nice dress or not πŸ˜€  On the other hand, I really like what Christina wore. She glows!
I like Chloe’s dress– by Valentino. It’s very feminine, although it does look like Chloe’s drowning in ruffles πŸ™‚ But I still like it. And I enjoy watching her on Big Love πŸ˜‰
What a beautiful- looking couple! Emily looks amazing!!! I loved Emily in The Young Victoria.  Miranda Priestly would’ve approved. It was veddy veddy good πŸ˜‰ If you haven’t seen that yet, go buy the DVD (woop, is the DVD out yet?).

Oh my, what happened to the usually beautiful Jennifer A? Did she get wet in the rain?  Her hair made her look sloppy 😦 I like the shoes though!

Umm, yikes.  😦 Confession *and don’t you dare laugh hahaha*: I tried on a Herve Leger red dress– last year to be exact. hahahaha. I swear, I looked like a two bit hoochie. Plus all my fats were just bulging out of the dress. It was extreeeeemely unkind to me *hahaha don’t start painting mental pictures coz it could get reeeeeal ugggglyyyyy hahaha* And I think this dress was really unkind to Mariah too 😦 Oh and check out the weight of her earrings (look at how it pulled her lobe down!!) They sure look real heavy 😦 Ouch! That said, she looks really happy, which is the most important of all πŸ™‚

Marion Cotillard is gorgeous in this dress. I never forgot her for her Jean Paul Gaultier gown. She really rocked it. And I think she rocked this dress too. The color suits her very well. Plus I love this dress– it looks very well- made.

Nicole is gorgeous but I really think she needs to stay away from pale colors. It washes her out. If this gown were in a darker color, I think she would’ve looked a lot better. Not sure about the design, but the color would’ve helped somehow.

Tsk. I love the color– and you all know that I do, but what material is this? I’m surprised, and disappointed to learn that it’s a gown by Bottega Veneta. Tomas, why ??? 😦 I think the material looks… cheap 😦
I heart this!!

I really do love this Lacroix on Diane Kruger. I don’t know why the fashion pundits at Yahoo saw this dress as matronly. I honestly believe that Diane rocked it. She was perfect for this gown. πŸ™‚
Oooh I love the new ‘do! But I wish Ginnifer Goodwin’s dress is floor- length, in this very same color. It really suits her. Oh and  I enjoy watching her on Big Love too πŸ™‚

I must admit Kate would be the only actress I can think of who could pull off this gown.  Anybody else and it would’ve been disastrous. I love it on her!  Very clean lines!
David looks good here.

But ooooh Tea Leoni is pretty! Not a fan of her outfit for an awards night though.  The only one who pulled off the shirt- and- skirt look was  Sharon Stone. I don’t think anyone topped her look. Oh, and I picked this photo because look behind Tea– a Goyard Saint Louis PM tote πŸ˜‰ in Navy hahaha
Lt. Ohura πŸ˜€ *Can you tell I’m a Trekkie? :D*

Zoe’s a very beautiful woman, but why dress her in this? And by Louis Vuitton? *I actually refused to believe this was by Vuitton– our fave bag brand* She ended up looking frumpy 😦 I’m sad! Coz this gown didn’t do her beauty any justice at all 😦 What do you peeps think? In a brighter color, would this have worked? Or if it was in black?
Another gorgeous woman with a wonderful voice, Leona Lewis.

I really love the color on her, but I think the dress got wrinkled too fast. Roberto Cavalli.
And of course, there were the men who rocked the ‘Globes:

Taylor, Gerard, Chace= Triple Treat πŸ™‚ Yumminess personified ;D
If you ask me which gown I’d wear to the event (oye this is purely theoretical as this is not something that will happen *unless Mr. “This-Is-Sparta” Gerard Butler calls me and asks me to accompany him hahahaha*), I’d probably want to wear Diane Kruger’s *if I was as skinny as she is*  or Chloe Sevigny’s gown *which looks a LOT more comfy– room for food from the after-party!!*. It’s a toss- up!
How about you peeps? Whose gown would you choose?
All photos taken from (Please go to yahoo for photo grabs because each photograph is properly credited on Yahoo, which I have credited above)
Mrs. T

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