Shoe Addict Alert!!!

My last vacation was spent eating looking at shoes.  But now that I’m not on vacation, I still have NOT stopped looking at shoes (nor have I stopped eating a lot hahaha) !! *Wails* Gee, thanks to my  very stylish friend  DaphneOP for introducing me to the shoe blog of Jane Aldridge (aka Sea of Shoes) *hahahaha* , look at what I’ve become this year– a shoe addict *again! Nooooooo!!!! Big sob*

What is going on here?!?!! *Bawls big time*. So I was reading my Chinese horoscope for the year, compliments of my friend RodinaV (aka stone doctor hahaha *oh she’d kick me for calling her that again hahahaha… Ok she is a crystal enthusiast*), and it said that I will more likely spend more than I will gain for the coming year *Whaaaa!!?!??! Whyyyy!??!?!  Violent reaction… haha* Does that mean I will spend on SHOES AND BAGS this year while still on the perma-unemployed status??? (Oh heavens no please! I can’t take any more credit card bills!) Crud, I’m soo going to need  serious intervention to repell that “prediction”! (I refuse to believe I will spend more than I will earn! *SOB*)

Ok wait, before I get into the shoe conversation, I should just share the info about these Chinese horoscopes + what stones are good for them. Maybe that’ ll be my good karma (hahahha to stop the “spend more gain less” prediction for my sign). I can’t really do a “table” here (ok, confession, I don’t know how), so I will just pattern each entry this way:

Here goes!

  • RAT5, 7Yellow, Brown, Red –  Sodalite, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Prehnite
  • OX1, 8 Red, Green, YellowClear & Rutilated Quartz, Amethyst, Obsidian, Herkimer Diamond, Amber, Citrine
  • TIGER 3, 4Red, Yellow, White Amethyst, Citrine, Rutilated & Clear Quartz, Hematite, Amber, Tiger’s Eye
  • RABBIT2, 9Gray, Black, Blue –  Clear Quartz, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire
  • DRAGON – 6, 8 Blue, Gray, WhiteAquamarine, Red Agate, Red Jasper, Citrine, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Red Rutile Quartz
  • SNAKE1, 5Gray, Blue, BlackRed Garnet, Red Ruby, Rutilated Quartz, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine
  • HORSE – 4, 9 Red, Yellow, VioletRed Jasper, Red Agate, Amethyst, Red Ruby
  • GOAT/ SHEEP – 3, 7Green , Blue, YellowBlack Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Onyx, Obsidian
  • MONKEY – 2, 6Red, Violet, YellowCitrine, Sodalite, Rutilated Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz
  • ROOSTER – 5, 8 Blue, Violet, WhiteAquamarine, Citrine, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Rutilated Quartz
  • DOG – 3, 9 Blue, White, Black Sugilite, Aventurine, Citrine, Amethyst
  • PIG – 4, 6 Red, Orange, YellowCitrine, Sugilite, Amethyst, Aventurine
Here’s a word from RodinaV of Accessory Lab: “It is important to note that when it comes to crystals, you have to be guided by your own instinct because the stones that you really need will call out to you.” *Sorry for the A.L. plug there, but Rodina knows more than I do. I just follow what she tells me*
Here’s my take: Personally, I would not let any horoscope dictate the direction of my life, but if there are simple and harmless things/ guidelines to follow that would enhance my year, I’m always all for it πŸ™‚ So I guess I’m prescribing to the list above which pertains to my sign πŸ™‚ I need all the luck I can get! Plus, you never know! πŸ˜€ *crosses fingers* (Does that mean I can use those lucky numbers for the lottery? *brightens up* hehehe)
Ok I veered off from the main subject. My bad !! So now,  the pairs of shoes that I was talking about (or rather looking at and lusting for):
Kelsi Dagger 

I love this au naturel look on shoes. And those flowers! Talk about stepping out in full bloom *ok there’s no such thing, but hey you get the picture!* (Channeling Chanel without the price, methinks!). It’s just priced at US$135. I’m really into these heels (loving platforms coz they’re actually so comfy after all)! Available at  Piperlime

L.A.M.B. Zene.

This is actually Rachel Zoe’s pick and is priced at a discount for just $259.99 (from $325!!). I need more wedges in my shoe closet because the last super comfy wedge I bought was in March last year at an outlet store in Italy! I haven’t found the right wedges ever since. And well, this bag hag has no moolah to go all the way to the Italy outlets  on her own for another pair anymore 😦 *sobs*. This pair from Piperlime seems versatile enough.

For more of those shoes (I am still picking right now, sooo go check out the site for yourself :D) as well as bags, check out Piperlime. Remember that shoe below (part of Rachel Zoe’s picks)?

My DSIL ended up getting that πŸ™‚ She said it’s very comfortable!

Oh, oh!! Speaking of Italy’s designer outlets, I was actually thinking of putting together a group of shopaholics who’d be interested in heading over to Italy for a short trip– we can do the whole outlet circuit, (with a little sightseeing here and there of course) but it will mainly be a mega shopping overload kinda trip *hahaha, you shop, I window- shop hahaha :D* I am still trying to get details from the travel agency we normally use, CV Travel, for the details. But hey, if you are interested, send me a comment with your contact number (which I will not publish).

Now, I’m off to bed. Hopefully I don’t dream about shoes. *Ugh shallooooowwww* πŸ˜€
Mrs. T

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