Travelog: London, Oxford Street

I am continuing my London series for the blog (because I am just about to do my “baghag’s holiday picks” either tomorrow or the day after. I know, I know, I’m a little late for it, but I intend to publish that post before the 20th πŸ˜€ Sooo, there is still time to shop :D)

London’s a wet city. It was raining everyday I was there. Went to Selfridges on Oxford Street the next day, and it was raining albeit sporadically.

Oxford Street was FULL of people. The last time I saw this many a group of people on the street was in Tokyo at the Shibuya Crossing.

That yellow bag you see, is the shopping bag of Selfridges.

Oye, Debenham’s!

I shop at Debenham’s in the Philippines.  I love the children’s clothes there (although they’re on the expensive side).

Double- decker red buses!

I don’t remember when it was, but I do seem to recall reading an article about how the double- decker bus was to be off London streets. I’m too lazy to google it now, (and I hope I wasn’t dreaming about this tidbit of an info) but if someone can enlighten me about that, it would be veddy, veddy lovely. πŸ˜‰

I keep seeing Russell and Bromley in every other street. Is this Britain’s version of Payless Shoe Source? πŸ™‚

Not too long ago, I had actually dreamt of being in a city with this building. I guess I dreamt of London (before I had even planned a trip to London). How eerily prescient was it that I ended up in London, looking at this very building I had dreamt about!!

Got to Selfridges, finally. It started raining so I couldn’t take out the camera to shoot the building facade. I worried about my camera malfunctioning should it get wet.  But here’s one of the shop windows. Nothing like Printemps of Paris, but nonetheless beautiful. (It was more Galleries Lafayette– like).

Inside Selfridges was CHAOS. I’ve never seen so many people shopping in my whole life. “Traffic” was practically arm to arm!! I couldn’t even whip out my camera! *Yes, it was THAT full*.

Apparently, if you had a Selfridges card that day, you get certain things at a discount! πŸ™‚ Sooo, my friend and I got some cool stuff at a discount! Not everything was marked off, but a lot of things were!

We had to leave immediately after we were done with our purchases because it was nearly intolerable to be inside the store with SO MANY people milling about and shopping.

When we got out, it was already dark. And raining.

All I saw were brollies (umbrellas), and even the street Christmas lights were brollies πŸ™‚

Here’s a last look at another shop window at Selfridges before we hopped into our taxi.

After shopping at Selfridges, I can tell you this– the things we had bought would’ve been SO expensive had there not been the discounts. I didn’t end up with any designer shoes or bag purchases, if you would like to know. I just got some cutesy souvenirs πŸ™‚

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