Travelog: London… Bond (not James Hehe)

Woohoo, back to my travelog! To go to London, you can take the Eurostar at the Gare Du Nord in Paris.

Gare Du Nord may just be a train station, but it sure is Pretty!!!

It takes approximately 2 hours to get to London, by way of St. Pancras Station.

I love the train stations. So beautiful! I honestly wish we have train stations this beautiful here in the Philippines. A lot of money must be spent, but I’m sure if we had more honest government officials who could efficiently channel public funds to actually build public edifices, we would’ve already seen train stations in Manila that are this beautiful *ok I will park my mouth about politics right here hahaha. Sorry, can’t help it. I got frustrated*.
Rode the new taxi in London. I love their taxis.
So roomy inside πŸ™‚ I always wanted to own one of these taxis in Manila hahaha– as long as I don’t have to drive them *long shot right there, since I do the driving half the time hahaha*
You just know you’re in the United Kingdom because of

Burberry! The Queen’s brand! I’m not a great big fan of Burberry bags, but I love their rain gear and their boots *thwaps myself for not having bought those wellies in San Francisco*.
Only in the UK will you see a pub called Coach and Horses πŸ™‚

Louis Vuitton will be opening a huge store beside Burberry. Soon

It was wet, wet, wet in London. But I loooove the biting cold *especially since I was wearing thermals hahaha*, so I wasn’t complaining πŸ™‚
It’s Christmas at American brand Ralph Lauren 
I espy, a red telephone booth outside Nicole Farhi πŸ™‚

SJ Phillips! I looooove browsing through their selection of estate and antique jewelry (many of important provenance). They even sell tiaras (real ones from nobility!)

Oooh Pronovias! My wedding gown was made by Pronovias πŸ˜‰

Smythson of Bond Street (at Bond Street!). This is the Queen’s favorite purveyors of high quality leather accessories and stationery.

Another English brand, Mulberry.

Reminds me of an funny incident with my DM.  My DM always said that unlike me, she didn’t really care much if the bag she has is a “designer label” bag, but she did like bags that were unique and different from everyone else. She then brought out this sturdy looking bugatti- shaped bag and said to me, “See, this bag I have had for over 20 years now, bought it in London together with your dad,  and it still looks new. And it’s not even a designer bag.” So I took a look at the inside of the bag, and right there was a tag that said “Mulberry“. I laughed so hard. Told her, “You may not like designer bags but look, your bag, without your knowing, is actually a designer bag!!!”  Mulberry was once a brand that was rather staid and conservative *hehehe Mom’s bag*, but they’ve since updated their styles and we are now loving the Bayswater bag, especially if it’s in a bright color πŸ™‚

An upscale shoe store called Pinet which stocks Stuart Weitzman. They had beautiful Stuart boots, but none in my size 😦 

All these boutiques *and more* are located on Bond Street (and I believe, New Bond Street).  Everything in London seems so much more expensive though (It’s just 2 hours away from Paris… but everything is much priced higher!), but I still loved London. I haven’t been there since 2001. But it remains the same– it’s terribly cold, rather dreary, and quite “dark” πŸ™‚ I can live in London because of the “terrible” weather *it’s the kinda weather where fungus thrives hahaha. Oh crud, does that mean  I’m a fungus?*


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