Christmas Bazaars

We’re not the only ones with Christmas “bazaars” in the Philippines.
Which reminds me, don’t forget to pass by the Gift Lab Bazaar at the Rockwell Tent today or tomorrow, December 6 *from 10am- 10pm* and visit Dwell Studio + Kaboost to check out their 2010 collection.
Ok now, going back to bazaars, I was saying that we’re not the only ones with these cool bazaars. Paris has a few around town too, and we checked one  out at La Defense (La Defense is where the skyscrapers of Paris are located) about half an hour away from Champs Elyseés.
But wait, what’s this post without the photo of Champs Elyseés? So here she is 😀
*Sigh* Christmas in Paris is just magical. The lights were so beautiful. The whole city was beautiful… *Big sigh + dreamy look*
 And then here’s the Christmas Village at La Defense.

In these Christmas villages (there is also one along Champs Elyseés by the way), you will find these:
Russian Matryoshkas of different qualities and sizes.
Birdhouse- like aquariums (which I assume are made in China haha)
And a LOT of fooooooooooood!!!!
Macaroons without gluten. These are soooooo gooood. They don’t look like much, but once you take that first bite, it lures you right in, and you can’t stop popping these little ‘uns into your mouth! *salivates*
We had a warm cup of lobster soup with gruyere cheese and croutons (Soupe de langouste) from this man. It was reallllly yummy because it was soooo cold.

Saucissons (sausages)  as well as shawarmas!
Woooohoooo my friend and I went crazy tasting everything in this stall. It’s difficult not to try everything, and the proprietor was more than happy to slice everything up for us to try.
I love cheese. I went with the beaufort and also a sheep milk cheese. It was yummy.
I regret not having tried this. 
Tartiflette. Basically it’s all potatoes with fresh raclette cheese. Then it gets mixed together. Like potato salad.
My friend couldn’t resist the sausage sandwich, which this nice man prepared. If you have always thought French people were snooty, I can assure you now– they’re not. They’re very friendly. I’ve so far never encountered a snooty Frenchman/ French woman while in Paris. 
Now I wish we have THIS!!! Because it’s cold, it’s nice to have a warm cup of spiced wine, with a warm raclette sandwich. Those you see below are huge raclette cheese demi wheels.
The temperature was around 8 degrees C at the time we visited this Christmas village.  And then I saw this– Jarret de Porc Grillé
Hahaha it looks like patatim to me 🙂 Boy, my DBs would’ve gone wild at this Christmas village. If it weren’t for Claudette of CV Travel who suggested that I visit this place at this time of the year, we wouldn’t have even known! I must remember to suggest spending Christmas in Paris next year to the DBs 😉
Happy reading and drooling over the photos (I drooled too, and am still drooling :D)


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