A Dream Come True!

No, it’s not a new bag. I can almost guarantee you that. But this dream come true is at par with getting a new bag, if not much better. 🙂

I was out of town over the weekend, for my little “getaway” (Ok the truth is, I was invited to visit an old friend whom I haven’t seen since before I got married, and that was a good 8 years ago but calling this trip my little weekend “getaway” sounds more glamorous hahaha).

And this little baghag got the chance to stay here–

Hotel de Crillon, quite possibly the most enchanting luxury hotel there is in Paris.

The beautiful lobby

In an ideal world, I’d have marble floors in my phantom house.

Here’s Hotel de Crillon’s Sylvie, an absolute angel who upgraded our room to a Junior Suite! *Thank you SO much!*

*I was already doing mental somersaults as Sylvie showed us the room (I had to contain all the excitement, fearful I might look like an idiot hahaha)*.

See how big this room was.

 It was mind-blowing. Your own walk- in closet (which could sleep one person hahaha)

The hallway to the bathroom, which had a cute little vanity mirror and table

And then the huge bathroom– with a bath tub and a shower “room”

You can indulge in the Annick Goutal bath products

and soak in the tub for as long as you like. What a dream!!!

I once said hotel rooms never really mattered to me, as long as the room is clean and the bed is comfortable. This hotel room changes everything. *Waaaaah I got spoiled!!!! hahahaa* Ok, I’ll make this the exception, because unlike other people, I can’t afford to stay in hotels like this all the time. I will be in dire need of sponsors (plural) if I ask to stay in hotels like this all the time.

I loved every detail of the room


Perhaps to others, this junior suite would’ve been their “regular” room, but to a baghag wannabe like me, THIS was like winning the Willie Wonka Golden Ticket! WOooHoOoOO!!! So I had to take it all in, enjoy it all.

How many times did I “dive” on the couch? I lost count 🙂 *I have no shame in admitting that hahaha*

I loved that the room had its own fireplace!

Breakfast was held at this room

It was surreal! I felt like I was dining at the Versailles Palace!

Ohhh, and this little social mountaineer enjoyed the fact that my hotel neighbor was the lovely Maricris Zobel  with her very chic daughter (check out her outfit!!).

She was also in Paris with her family– her elder daughter is one of the debutantes at the prestigious Le Bal which was held the night after my stay. *I espied a Hermes birkin in rouge H ;)*

I was lucky to be at the Crillon the day before the famous Le Bal des debutantes de Paris, which is held yearly at The Crillon. It was an exciting time– I got a glimpse of a few debutantes in their haute couture (for their photo shoots). I didn’t take photos though, I was way too embarrassed to ask *I normally wouldn’t have been shy to ask, but this was at the Crillon, I had to act “proper” or I’d get thrown out for lack of manners hahaha*

This has been the SHORTEST Paris trip I’ve ever had, but it certainly was the most memorable,  especially because of the Crillon. Again, I can never fail to credit the wonderful travel agency who took care of all the details of this last- minute trip for me– Ms. Claudette Vitug of CV Travel (+63917) 536-8545  *Dang, my travel agency’s really the expert in Europe, hands down!*  I wouldn’t have gotten a seat on the plane  (which was absolutely full), nor would I have had a wonderful experience at the Crillon if it weren’t for that travel agency’s help. So, THANK YOU!!
And to Hotel de Crillon (Sylvie, Claudia), THANK YOU! I hope one day I can afford to stay at the Crillon each time I go to Paris *hopefully I can go there more often someday… I love your city!!*

Mrs. T

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