What is San Franciscan food?

Or rather, is there a specific dish that is “native” to San Francisco? A-ha! It could very well be that “down and dirty” Boudin’s Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl that got one of my readers commenting about my having it, in disgust — You Bloody Snoot! *Biatch alert hahaha muwahahahaha!*  Honestly, I don’t know. Because each time we go to San Francisco, we either eat steak, have Chinese, or have Vietnamese cuisine. This time, we skipped Thanh Long/ Crustacean (an SF original) crabs though.

But there was no shortage of Chinese food.

I don’t know what this is called in English because I always order this dish in Cantonese. But it’s got runny eggs with glassy prawns over rice. It’s soooooooo good.

Not really a big fan of prawns with mayonnaise (it’s actually the mayonnaise I don’t like am avoiding) and walnuts.

Mom loves clams in black bean sauce, but this dish from Restaurant Peony was mediocre. She was disappointed. We know a better place for it (sans ambiance πŸ˜€ But who cares about ambiance when the food is spectacular anyway!?!)

I like this garlicky beef sparerib dish. I had it with 2 bowls of rice. *Ugh*

I would’ve opted for hot and sour soup (my favorite), but this egg drop with fish maw soup wasn’t so bad at Restaurant Peony πŸ˜‰

I was a happy camper in SF. Lived like a single spoiled brat woman living with the parentals πŸ˜‰ Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that I am a mom to 2 kids, but a little getaway sans the noise and chaos can do a young *cough* parent good too hahaha πŸ˜€  I mean, if that trip wasn’t heaven, I don’t know what it was– I wake up mid afternoon (jet lag! jet lag!), have a free + really good meal , abuse my tv viewing rights til wee hours of the morning, and again, enjoy my lumpy bed til mid afternoon (and the cycle goes on)!

It’s no surprise this baghag wannabe gained some considerable weight over the 2 week period, excess weight which I intend to burn off soon. Yoga, running, whatever. It’s time I get my act together. This feast/famine diet is no longer working for my aging body *hehehe*

Now, it’s really back to reality *with a thud!* Someone’s gotta go back to work. I knew “heaven” in San Francisco was too good to last hahaha πŸ˜‰

P.S. PAGASA said Manila is signal #2. I looked out my window and saw the sun. And a little breeze. What is up with that??


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