Liking Bea Valdes

If memory serves me right, Bea Valdes pioneered the statement bib necklace in Manila. The rest followed suit. But after having seen pieces made by different designers, I still find myself liking Bea’s the best. One, because in my opinion, she has perfected the construction, and two, she has very good design sense.

Take this for instance.

The Fleur Du Mal in purple bib necklace in photos at (which I had previously featured some months ago) was already breathtaking.

But up close and personal, I can tell you this– it is FANTASTIC.

The actual color of the necklace is purple. I love Bea’s work. Stitches are real tight, and special attention is paid to each detail in this necklace.

I got this bag from Bea a few months ago and I am loving, loving, loving it. It’s really unlike any other bag I have.

(photo credit: style samurai)

The Iliad necklace with labradorites.

 I *heart

More necklaces are on, but according to Town and Country Magazine (October 2009), more Bea pieces will be available at Adora.

Another thing to look forward to 🙂  I wonder if they’ll have this


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