A degree of normalcy

Today, the sun was out (for awhile). My internet is working again (my i-net kept failing me last night so I just decided to sleep early hehehe). And at Rockwell, shoppers are back too. While I know that it’s still perhaps too soon to discuss shopping, I too, have to admit that it’s good to see that people are shopping again. Without shoppers, what will happen to our economy? So no, let’s not castigate those who shop. Let’s not give these people a tongue- lashing about how they should be more socially responsible– as I’m sure a lot of them did help flood victims! It’s just that life has to go on too, right? While some people may still hesitate to shop, others are already fishing out their wallets and forking over cash to buy merchandise– some were buying clothes because they were victims of the flood, and their clothes were damaged as a result. Others were buying because they have helped buy relief goods for other people who lost their homes and were finally buying something to reward themselves and perhaps to celebrate their blessings that they were not affected (and there’s nothing wrong with this peeps!) . Shopping is still a feel- good activity for a lot of people. Though you may not see a lot of high ticket spending, you will see shopping– either for groceries, for food, or just for things they see that they like. One way or the other, it’s helping our ailing economy and it’s a good thing. So to those who still have purchasing power, please shop in the Philippines, peeps 🙂

On another note, here are another round of thank yous to the new donors for the Ondoy Flood Victims. We have pooled your funds into the Fabella Moms for Moms fund :

Rich &Maria D: US$75
Jon&Joyce O: US$50

The total amount now we have is Php 5,875 (dollars converted into PhP from the Paypal dollar pledges) + Php 411,725 (our previous balance) = Php 417,600. After discussing with more donors, we channeled more funds to Rea of Moms for Moms in the amount of Php 78,500, and we now have a “sitting” Fabella balance of Php 339,100. My thoughts are to leave this amount as is now, so that we still have money to buy hospital equipment (infusion pump, heat lamps) — which was the original reason for fundraiser for the first place. But of course this is really not just my call– so donors, please let me know what you think as this is really a collective decision that we all have to make.

Meanwhile, here are more relief goods packed and ready for distribution, thanks to the money you have donated:
More goods that need to be repacked.
THANK YOU Again, Readers!! Without you, there wouldn’t have been this group helping the victims!!

SPECIAL THANK YOUS: Candy Dizon and Cecile Zamora. Candy, for sending over the goodies that were meant for Fabella, and Cecile for her DD’s donation as well as for having made the equipment purchases.
To PennyN of Madison in Rockwell for donating clothes as well as more water bottles!

I need to start working now since I am flying out this week. While I am away though, I will continue to post the updates from Rea of Moms for Moms, as well as from our other friends who have been continuing the help for the victims of Ondoy. For more details on what Moms for Moms has been doing + their list of thank- yous (they have donors who have already directly contributed to the cause– oh and yes–Moms for Moms’ PAYPAL account is UP! So you can all donate directly to them :D), please check http://momsformoms.multiply.com


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