Things that make me go "ooooh"

The number ONE thing that made me go Ooooh today:

My dearest Daddy’s first gift for my mom, from Rustan’s. Some 44 years ago! This Spain- made pendant was what my mom picked as a Christmas gift from my dad when they were still dating. As the Rustan’s sales associate coaxed my mom to purchase a necklace for the pendant she picked, my dad took out his white handkerchief and wiped off the sweat beads forming on his forehead πŸ™‚ *how cute is that!!!!* My mom politely declined the necklace that the sales associate offered her after seeing my father’s “sweat- wiping” action *Mommy’s wayyy too nice! :)*. Price for the gold and enamel pendant 40+ years ago, Php 450. This pendant which was just given to me by my DM last night, is now priceless!

Other things that make me go “ooooh” (in no particular order):

  • A photo sent by a very dear friend of mine… of super handsome actor Gabby Concepcion, holding a “hello” sign for me πŸ™‚ . *Mega Fan screaaaaaaam alert!! Hahaha* Hello back to you, Gabby! *Mrs.T immediately melts like buttah on a hoooot summer day hahahaha*
  • New life– especially the “fresh from the womb” babies (taken at Fabella). Makes me want to just hold them and cuddle them! By the way, I am still waiting for word from Rea Harrow (Moms for Moms) who has been in touch with Dr. Juico on what else to get for Fabella. Rea’s baby is currently hospitalized, but Rea tells me her son’s doing much better (thank God!!) and they’ll be out of the hospital soon. Rea promises to update us all on what’s happening. Luckily, Cecile’s already made equipment purchases. (I am thinking of getting more heat lamps since most babies were sharing them. Also I was hoping we could get more of this machine *which has that syringe attached to it*– I just don’t know what they’re called- help!)

  • Take- home still- yummy Hainanese chicken from Tao Yuan

  • Arguably the best Xiao Long Pao dumplings in Manila, which I had with friends C and A at this kinda hole- in- the- wall place called Suzhou Dimsum (1715 A. Mabini St., Manila). Oh and they sell these dumplings frozen too– so you can prepare them in your own home πŸ™‚

  • The Hermes Orange. Yep, the big H is coming to town. Finally. Everyone who has been waiting to get the Mount Everest of bags can now get the chance to own one, or list for one at an actual Hermes boutique. The experience of buying that first birkin or kelly at Hermes is really unparalleled. Plus, you no longer have to pay insanely astronomical black market prices for a brand new birkin! And we baghags have SSI to thank for this πŸ™‚

  • And lastly, this made me go “ooooh”: my latest Bag purchase– which I shall share more about, in my next post… so watch out for it tomorrow πŸ™‚
And if you’re not too busy to comment, peeps, please do share what things make you go “oooooh” πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


11 thoughts on “Things that make me go "ooooh"

  1. Hi Mrs T,Things that make me go 'oooohhh!':- Babies. An acquaintance of mine has a baby who is half-French Canadian and half-Chinese. Deacon is the cutest little baby in the world. – Fancy purses. I can appreciate the beauty of it! – A beautifully laid out feast infront of me. (Who doesn't love food so nicely decorated?)- Beautiful, shiny shoes. (I love! I love!) – Outstanding athletic feats whether by ordinary or extraordinary people. – Really delicious food like Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup at this place near my school called Fantasia. Very good soup. If I wasn't heading to school so early, I'd eat another helping or three. :DQuick question, Mrs T. What do you mean by: "Plus, you no longer have to pay insanely astronomical black market prices for a brand new birkin! And we baghags have SSI to thank for this :)" Is Hermes coming to Manila? Their prices would be the same at the States or Canada? Do clarify. Have a good day, Mrs T.

  2. I have been meaning to comment yesterday when I saw that your last bag purchase was just two weeks ago. haha you are vulnerable – to bags indeed!you succumb to the temptation. congrats! errr, not so for your wallet lol xoxo

  3. Hi, Ms. T!They're called syringe pumps – used to deliver very, very small amounts of medicine slowly to babies coz they've got oh so tiny blood vessels…coz it would be very difficult for 1 person to do that very slowly. The photo at the back is a ventilator but it costs millions na. May I also suggest oxygen hoods. Kudos to your Fabella project! God bless! =) jendr5

  4. @MaryD: ooooh I love Eur-Asian babies! Always sooo cute πŸ™‚ ANd yeah, fancy purses! You like shiny shoes (like patent? :D)– you're like a good friend of mine! Vietnamese foood!! OMG, I loooove Vietnamese food! And re: black market prices of hermes– I meant, resellers. I am a (mostly preowned H bags) reseller too, but unfortunately I have no control over the prices of the bags dictated by the ones selling. While I try not to take in those that ask for crazy prices, I still sometimes can't help but think the black market selling prices are crazy. I can understand if those sellers got their bags brand new and straight from the US/ Canada Hermes boutiques (expensive), but if they get their bags from EU or Japan (preowned), they shouldn't be dictating insane prices. It's highway robbery. HERMES Manila will be able to sell brand new H bags at very good prices, so I'm grateful the brand is coming into Manila, finally. That way, those who can't afford to buy H birkins thru the black market can finally get them at H– and credit card price too πŸ™‚ *and earn miles haha*@MrsMartinez: It was a surprise purchase! Honest! *looks innocent :D*@JenDr5: Thanks thanks for this! Now all I will need is to ask them for the brand they prefer and all is set!!@Charlyne: I haven't seen Gabby in person– well, I saw him once.. when I was 13 years old! Hahaha that was eons ago@Maria + Anon: THANK YOU SO MUCH for the info on infusion pump! πŸ™‚

  5. Mrs. T.A dinner at Antonios guaranteed Ooooh for me! Btw, did you get to read "Bring home the birkin?" Im sure you'll have a book club after. Its available in National.closet case cris

  6. @ Closet case cris: Ooooh Antonios.. I haven't been there in a while!Re: Bringing home the birkin, I was actually not impressed with the book. It was a pretty interesting read, but the writing was pretty lackluster and information quite inaccurate. I highly recommend though the book by Dana Thomas, "Deluxe, How Luxury Lost its Luster" even if there were some spelling errors πŸ˜‰ *grammar nazi talking haha*

  7. going around the tiangge, spotting and buying beautiful tops and accessories for less than P400. (i love greenhills!!) plus, i also have to mention the following… a good buffet at circles or sofitel; pizza, pasta, and gelato at amici; a big bag of barbeque kettle chips; smoked salmon with capers; and haagen dazs belgian chocolate ice cream.

  8. im really excited about your bag purchase and i love reading your blog, its very addicting lol =)anyway, things that make me go 'ooohhh'*good food, especially desserts*big bags*cute dresses*nice pair of shoesPa3cia

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