Another Beautiful Day @ Rockwell Power Plant Mall!

This is just terrible! Am I turning into a shoe hag all of a sudden? If I’m not, then why oh why am I lusting for another pair of shoes??? *Big sigh* (oh by the way, I did NOT buy those Louboutins… SOB.. Oh well… hehe)

I’m in looooooove…. YSL suede Fatale shoes. Either colors are okay. Both are better. But sigh, the price 😦 C’est tres tres fataleUS$930 at

I need a shoe sponsor. ASAP. *Want to apply? Just email me hahahaha (Gawd, I’m so thick-skinned to ask for a sponsor) hahahahaha*

On a more serious note, I finally got to meet the Moms for Moms group this afternoon πŸ™‚seated: Ria and Sheila (with her cute daughter)

standing: Tina (with Ria’s very handsome baby) and Edna

We (ok, I) had late lunch at Pepper Lunch. I had to rush out quickly to meet a client, so when I got back, a lot was already covered. Ria was going to check on the prices of the medical equipment that was part of the list provided by Fabella. And then, we plan to visit Fabella by the end of August to see for ourselves what we think they really need, so we can prioritize which equipment to get with your donations. We want to make sure the funds are put to good use for the long haul. And rest assured we are going to post all expenses and receipts here. At least you peeps will know where the money goes πŸ™‚

Here are cousins Cecile Zamora Van Straten and Candy DizonCecile raised Php 330,000++  while Candy raised Php 30,000 for her Jul Dizon earrings auction.

After our meeting, we headed straight to Body Shop. I asked to have the shop’s makeup artist, Tara (she’s real sweet) put on some eye makeup on me. I am really not good at putting any makeup on, but from what I was told, I can just go there to have a little makeover done if they’re available πŸ˜‰ *I just might take them up on that offer one of these days when I’m really bored hahaha*

When I got to Accessory Lab, I had this can waiting for me, compliments of Rockwell also πŸ˜‰ *I want liqueur! hahaha joke!!*. Ok, beggars can’t be choosy hehehe. THANK YOU πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

And speaking of Rockwell, I want to inform you peeps that from August 26- 28, you should Be Scene! You can sign up at Power Plant Mall’s Fashion Registry at the 2nd floor, Archaeology Wing, to win 10 New Fashion Finds– FOR FREE!!!! These “finds” will actually be picked by the country’s top stylists from Preview Magazine, Metro Magazine, and Mega Magazine.

Oh and before I forget, the first 150 guests who attend these events will get their very own Power Style card, which entitles them to either discounts or freebies in select stores πŸ™‚ ACCESSORY LAB is part of that list of stores πŸ™‚

For more information on this 3- day event (which starts at 6pm each day), check out Power Plant Mall’s website at πŸ™‚

P.S. Special thanks go out to MalouP, InaJ, TinC, and the rest of the Rockwell Power Plant Mall peeps + Finance guys! Your kindness and consideration in the Fabella bag auction case easily make you peeps the best people to work with. I’m grateful to be part of the Power Plant Mall family πŸ™‚

P.P.S. Donation Acknowledgments. THANK YOU!!!:

KS= Php 5,000

Which brings the total to Php 481,000

(I know there was an addition to this but I wasn’t able to check the envelop anymore, so acknowledgment for the succeeding pledges will be made tomorrow :D)


5 thoughts on “Another Beautiful Day @ Rockwell Power Plant Mall!

  1. It was great to finally meet you guys this afternoon! We can't thank you enough for the amazing job you did not only to raise funds for Fabella, but to raise awareness about it through your blogs. God bless all of you! πŸ™‚

  2. Glad you liked the amaretto and the cookies =) You hard working girls deserved a nice afternoon drink. See you all at Power Plant for Scene!!!Thanks for helping us spread the word.P.S. You have Ina to thank for the nice gift picks… =)

  3. @sheila: Ditto πŸ™‚ @Rea: I didn't know your name is spelled Rea πŸ™‚ Always thought it was Ria! haha sorry for murdering the spelling! See you again in the next meeting!@Tammy: I totally agree with you. I can't get why shoes are expensivo now. Maybe that's why Dana Thomas (author of Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster) said that middle market consumers have stopped buying "luxe" items because they realize they've been fleeced! πŸ˜€ @Carmina: Yay! Thanks so much πŸ™‚ Now you know how I bombard people for my poison LOL hahaha. Joke πŸ™‚ I will thank Ina for the choice– my cookies were fantastic!! I'm going to buy more πŸ˜€ *and buy amaretto so I can dip those in amaretto- laced coffee hahaha*

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