A little bit of Me when I was little…

Before anything else, I just want to mention that I don’t have “regular” internet access at the moment. My GLOBE *ugh!!!* modem is busted and replacement will take two to three days. So I hope you peeps can be patient with my irregular blogging (hopefully my blogging schedule won’t get interrupted)
Ok, that’s done. Hahaha. Now that I’ve vented about my internet service *don’t I always?*, I want to share some of the things from my childhood. I went to my parents’ old home yesterday to visit my grandma, and I also managed to dig out some childhood treasures πŸ™‚ I need to share these with people because these are such great memories.

Well ok, maybe not these medical prescriptions from my pediatrician, Dr. Miguel Celdran (incidentally he is still my DKs’ pedia). These prescriptions go all the way back to 1977!

My music boxes! πŸ™‚ *The 4-kids-swinging box, and that “mushroom” house*

Then I have that plastic Hello Kitty tray, Hello Kitty knick knack box, and an Esprit checkered lunchbox πŸ™‚

I still have this china set– all complete, no chips, nothing πŸ™‚ I took very good care of these. And haha I still retained that typewritten mock “menu” that I did! I even had descriptions of each dish πŸ˜‰ I loved playing “restaurant” when I was a wee one. *Snicker… wee one*

I had a small washing machine toy! It even had a tube for water. I don’t remember what it did, but I think at one point I used to put water into the “washer”! The box is still intact!

And then I had this blender, which also worked. Haha and my Nana also kept the box πŸ™‚ So it was still intact!

Remember Hershey’s Brown Cow when it just came out? I still kept the brown container and used it for my “restaurant!” I was inspecting this and realized that the quality of the container was reallly good. They don’t make things like they used to anymore 😦 *Which reminds me, do you peeps still remember those squarish Magnolia milk bottles??? :D*

Some of the pens I’ve kept for my “restaurant” I still have a whole stack of unused pens and pencils which I took with me to the US when I moved for school. It’s still there πŸ™‚ I will remember to bring them back to Manila when I head Stateside again πŸ™‚

My Hello Kitty and my color- change Snoopy– still clean πŸ™‚ They’re behind a plastic- covered shelf (hehehe I’m so Pinoy ;D I love it!!! Everything’s encased in “plastic” hehehe!! But see, at least most of my stuff remained clean), so they’re not THAT dirty, even after over 19 years (that’s how long I haven’t lived in our old house!)
I have a mint green “Fluffy” dog which I remember I bought with my DM and DD in Hong Kong’s Regent Hotel (now Intercontinental). We used to live in Regent Hotel and would shop at the next-door New World Center.
The Garfield pumpkin was purchased in San Francisco. The Santa elf was a gift, I don’t remember anymore from whom. Then my Cabbage Patch Kids Doll, complete with birth certificate (her name is Aprilette Roberts) came from Hong Kong too, at the toy shop in New World Center– that shop is long gone 😦 *Sigh* You never really completely get over your love for plush toys… Ok, well I’m speaking for myself here πŸ™‚

Then I have Alf πŸ™‚ *remember him? :D*
And a few more Garfields–given by my 2 DBs from their college days πŸ™‚

Now, for a little bit of entertainment, I had Pacman! *I loooove Pacman*

And who could forget the Nintendo “Game and Watch” toys? THIS was “THE” gameboy of our time πŸ˜‰ I had Popeye and Mickey. I remember having Octopus too but I don’t know where it is anymore. Do you peeps remember Game and Watch? πŸ™‚

And for a little private music, I had my pink Sony Walkman AM/FM/Cassette! πŸ˜‰ Don’t ask me why I taped the bottom part– I was real notorious for sticking these fancy stickers all over the place when I was young– they would be on my wall, pencil cases, and well, in this case, on my walkman πŸ˜€

Now, for a little personal hygiene, I still have my Little Twin Stars brush!!

And my long- lost My Melody nail cutter!!!!!I was so happy to see this nail cutter. I’m going to have this cleaned and re-sharpened so I can use it again πŸ™‚

When I was younger, I loved watches. I didn’t have a lot, but these were my first few watches. I can’t believe they survived! My favorite of course, is the Hello Kitty watch!!! I’ve been looking all over for the new Hello Kitty watches like this one I had. I want a new one!! This one already has a busted LCD screen and I’m sure the watch “innards” have all “dissolved” hahaha.But the exterior condition still make these watches wearable! My Nana really knew how to keep them (Nana is now taking care of my children πŸ˜€ She’s still in our family πŸ˜€ *Beams*)
On a serious note, if there is Anyone out there who can recommend me a good watchmaker or one who can restore watches or replace parts and make them good as new, I’d appreciate it. I’m so willing to have my Hello Kitty watch fixed!!! Even if it’s going to cost me more than 5k πŸ˜‰ I will pay for this to get “her” into wearable shape again. And I’d wear her with pride!!!

And after that, I went with Casio watches, which didn’t survive. I remember the rubber straps snapping after a certain “age”. These 2 Swatches were all that remained 😦 I wish I had brought them with me when we moved. I actually could’ve given them away too, but now they’re pretty useless because the battery “leaked” already. The one on the left is actually the “Jellyfish” Swatch. And well, I tampered with the design. So that’s the result. It’s bugly hahahaha! (I was no budding artist, I tell you)

I had already taken a previous vintage bag out of my old closet, and had forgotten in the past to take this as well, but this was my very first designer bag. It’s a Fendi πŸ™‚ . I was 5 years old when my DM got me this. Hehehe I should credit this bag for my love of monograms πŸ™‚ It’s so sad though that the bag is no longer in “salvagable” condition. 😦 But it won’t stop me from keeping this bag!

My 2nd bag was a Louis Vuitton, given by my aunt who lived in Hong Kong. I will post photos of this bag since I’ve already taken this to my family’s place (the place we moved to after I went to college and stayed in before I got married). It was purchased in the 80s– I think 1981 or 1982, shortly after LV opened its first store in the then- British colony. πŸ™‚ I should’ve remembered to bring this bag with me to Asnieres!!! Never mind, maybe next time I’ll get the chance to drop it off there again πŸ™‚ It’s too cool because it’s really sooooooooo old– it looks like a Saint Cloud, but it’s not. It’s not even on the catalog!!! πŸ™‚

Anyway, those are a few of my childhood treasures. I hope you peeps enjoyed the journey back to my childhood days πŸ™‚ More thought- provoking questions in my next few posts *when I get my internet back*. I enjoyed a very long conversation with a friend last night (because I had no internet access hahaha), and we had some interesting discussions about financial security, the reason for our lust for all things luxurious πŸ™‚

Have a great day peeps πŸ™‚


17 thoughts on “A little bit of Me when I was little…

  1. OMG, you've kept your prescriptions! BTW, Dr. Miguel Celdran was also our pediatrician (me and my younger sibs). I remember looking forward to getting a chance to dig into the big bowl of lollipops on our way out after a doctor's visit. When I became an adult and started working as a registered nurse at the Makati Medical Center about 15 years ago , I'd remind him from time to time that I was one of his patients too. πŸ™‚ I do remember all the hello-kitty/ little twin stars/ my melody and all other sanrio stuff that were a fad back then. I used to have them wallets and hair trinkets. And who can forget about the game and watch, pacman and walkmans. (sigh) It's good that you have all of them still in fairly good condition. I enjoyed the "tour" down memory lane! Thanks for sharing!

  2. OMG!! Thank you for sharing!! I have the exact same HK tray (which i still use to this day), had the same HK watch, and game&watches!! What a fun post! Ahh the 80's!

  3. hi there!I had goosebumps when I saw your my melody nail clipper because i had a hello kitty nail clipper too! I still kept it although i am not using it. Now that you've mention about sharpening it, maybe i will do the same. a trip to hortaleza would noh? btw, are you from cksc?

  4. Hi Mrs. T!! you made me think about my childhood, thanks for sharing a bit of yours. I also used to collect My Melody items, my first ever watch is a swatch, I received it from my dad as an elementary graduation gift. I would love to see your first ever LV, pls post!Thanks and happy weekend!

  5. grabe! i couldn't believe you kept all your childhood things, even down to the brown cow bottle. i have no childhood keepsakes myself since my fear of clutter compels me to discard everything as soon as it becomes useless, so reading your post was such a nice treat! it was great seeing again all the toys and trinkets we grew up with — especially the atari games, swatch watches and sony walkman!

  6. that walkman is so rad! i didn't know that walkmans come with am/fm transmitters? πŸ˜€ i was a game and watch junkie too. the monotonous beeping sound still rings in my head. great find you have there!

  7. hi! i got goosebumps reading this entry — i remember those toys/sanrio stuff growing up! and those nintendos! omg — i love those!all those bring back wonderful memories! thanks for sharing, paz

  8. @ cd: hehehe I know πŸ˜‰ Now it's my treasure! Do you still have yours and more importantly, do you know if it still works??? I want to get mine fixed!!!@ shoppingpal: I wish they all still worked though πŸ™‚ WOW! You're a registered nurse? *BOWS!!!* Yeah, isn't it cool that Dr. Celdran's still a pedia? :)@ MamaS: You're welcome :)@ Mrs.Kookie: Awwww, don't you wish they'd make the same Hello Kitty watches still? I'd buy one for sure and wear it with pride! That trumps any of my other watches!!@ Karrots: Hehehe I can't believe my tray's still alive too! Loving it πŸ™‚ I need to have a nice shelf for all those HK stuff πŸ˜€ @ *mrsMartinez*: Yes! Hortaleza! I wonder if they can still sharpen and clean it up tho πŸ˜€ @ leicavivien: hehe, when I get the bag from my DM's place πŸ˜‰ I'll post for sure!Anon: I know, it's cool to have all that junk hahaha. Petitboyblogger: yeah πŸ™‚ Thanks ! You were probably not even born yet when I still had those things in working order hahaha.paz: You're welcome πŸ™‚ Anon: Hehehe my menu? I'll go back and have DH scan it for you hahaha. You can all be grammar nazis and correct all the errors you see. And haha as for auctioning my HK stuff, Noooooooo. Those are my real treasures πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ They're going with me to my grave!! Hahahaha

  9. love this post! πŸ™‚ i also had that hello kitty tray and the grosgrain watch–mine was a my melody. i was more of a my melody & little twin stars fan than hk. i also had a "laminated carton" hk lunchbox. brings back so many memories… πŸ™‚

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