My "brush" with technology

*Sob* I don’t know what it is about tech gadgets. I almost always end up with lemons or stuff that just don’t work with my lifestyle. (Think about how many “working” phone units I have and how many of those I have actually not even used yet)

I’ve been wanting a small netbook (?) or mini laptop because I am so tired of lugging around a huge Mac book. I love Mac. Still do *I’ll always love Mac. There. I said it.*. But I wish they’d make something smaller. The Macbook Air seems perfect– except for the size, which is still quite big. I’m not talking about the thickness because the Air is a winner in the Slim category. I’m talking about the size of the laptop which would make it easy to slip into a woman’s bag– mine.

I actually ordered a small laptop through the kindness of a good friend. After almost 2 months of waiting, I finally got to pick up my new toy a few nights ago from this really nice guy who helped me get a good price for it. I was so excited because I waited soooo long for it, and now it has arrived! (Hehehe DH was aghast that I actually succumbed and got myself a Windows- based laptop– Hehehe he’s a Mac snob. Hmph!)

Anyway, when I got home, I quickly changed into house clothes, cleaned up, and jumped on the bed, ready to get acquainted with my newest toy. I managed to find the power button (yes, I told you, I’m not that smart when it comes to these gadgets). And I waited for the computer to start. In less than a minute, I get a message that asked me if I want the computer to operate normally or on safe mode. I chose “normally.” Waited. Then the error message came on. I blinked back and stared at the message.
I had to restart the computer since it shut down after I clicked on “ok” (after it went to another error message). Anyway, it became apparent that the laptop’s operating system was not installed properly hence the error message and the computer’s inability to complete the setup. *Sob* I haven’t even registered the laptop in my name 😦 There is really a sense of urgency as to why I needed this gadget right away, and unfortunately we don’t have an external whatever-you-call-it gadget to reload the recovery disk *or whatever that’s called*. So there was really no way I could get the thing to work in time. 😦

*Bawls* so, I decided to just return the otherwise beautiful piece of technology back to the manufacturer. There was a reason why I needed the gadget immediately and to wait for it to get fixed was a little out of the question for the time being. I was so, so sad. 😦

So there’s my encounter with a non-Mac computer. I was tech heart- broken 😦 I was hoping to have this new relationship with my new traveling laptop too 😦 Before I chose this, I was also contemplating on another brand that offered a smaller laptop– also because I was getting a really sweet deal on it, but now I’m also thinking twice. I can’t handle 2 disappointments in one month when it comes to tech gadgets. I get frustrated easily (I have no patience with gadgets. Hehe there. The truth is out.)

I am still hoping a brand out there (a non- Mac) would make me have faith in a Windows- based operating system. I just really need a small one to put inside my bag so I can keep myself “wired” even while I’m not at home.

Steve Jobs— WHY can’t you just make a smaller laptop (not a thinner one)? I love my iPhone, but I need another gadget that would allow me to complete my writing assignments (without getting serious carpal tunnel syndrome), and also upload my photos from my camera so I can also update my blog whenever I can.

So to those tech- savvy readers out there who might read this post, please, please, can you give me suggestions on what mini laptop I should be getting– a windows- based mini or the Mac Book Air? Purpose of the computer: Upload photos from my camera, surf internet, use Microsoft Word for writing. Those are IT. *Sigh* right now, I am just way too confused 😦

(lemon photo from Flickr user Yogi; mac air photo from


16 thoughts on “My "brush" with technology

  1. Mrs.T, When i bought mine, before i get to take it home, they(HP peeps) did some "configuring" thingie on peony re: windows. it took about 15 mins., i also got to name it like what you said. anyways, hope it gets fixed fast & soon. don't give up on windows yet!! have faith!-HunnieBunchp.s. hope you're talking about peony…LOL

  2. Why don't you try the MSI Wind Notebook. Boots up fast, keyboard size is almost the same size of the regular laptop, w/ SD card slot (for uploading pictures easily), 160 gig hard drive w/ 1 gig DDR-RAM and handy. Never had a problem w/ it ever since I bought it last year. Its the one I use whenever I travel or when I teach in the provinces.

  3. Hello Mrs. T…Quite a disappointment that must have been for you… having a long awaited gadget greet you with one of Windows' infamous screens of death… *sympathetic look*… I assure you though that the numerous applications available to a Windows OS make it worth giving this venture a second chance…Might I be forward enough to suggest that you try and get yourself a nifty HP or VAIO mini notebook? I've been using the HP brand for the last few years, and it has never disappointed… I hope my suggestions strike a chord with you… feel free to let me know if I can be of any help to you… i'm an avid follower of your blog… hahaha… and a constant window shopper of your lovely shop, The Accessory Lab.

  4. Just bought a Macbook air yesterday. It's true it's not tiny, but it's so light and slim. I LOVE it! Not good as a primary computer though: no CD/DVD drive and only one USB port, but I have an iMac so the Air is my portable. I can carry it in my everyday tote (an LV neverfull) and I don't even notice that it's there. I couldn't be happier!

  5. I'm using Fujitsu Lifebook P tablet. It's about 9" and fits perfectly in my cambon tote. Very light too. My only complaint is the eraserhead mouse. I would rather prefer the touchpad. It has touchscreen and you can fold it down like a book if you're just reading something. It takes a while to get used to the smaller keyboard but that's the price of ultra-mobility, I guess. Good luck in your search for the perfect notebook.

  6. i just bought a dell mini 10, and its purple!! =D loved loved the color! its lightweight, 2 lbs i think.. i live in San Francisco so i customized it and bought at i carry it around in my longchamp le pliage bag and im so happy about it!! havent tried on my LV neverfull though.. im afraid it might break the thin straps.. i dont recommend walking around with it for more than an hour though.. coz after a few hours of walking around in the mall, my shoulder hurt a little bit but definitely something you can bring everywhere without so much trouble.. its very handy.. i used to have a 15 inch toshiba and i hated carrying it around.. im not really familiar with mac though i have an iphone, but i think this is really good for the money.. my customized dell cost me less than $600.. so anyways you may want to try that or start researching on it.. hope this helps.

  7. the 13" mbp is what you should get. i had a 12" pb and held on to it for so long (actually, i still have it) until the 13" came along. longer but lighter than the pb. πŸ™‚ never go pc!!!

  8. Hi Mrs. T! I don't know if this would help since I think you really want the small laptops. I just got a 13-inch macbook pro. I'm new to mac and i am now a very, very satisfied mac owner. It may not be as small as the netbooks, but i find it very light. You can check it out on my blog. I have several posts about it. Just be patient reading them since I think I have 4 posts about it. LOL! You might wanna settle for another Mac after reading them. πŸ™‚ Hehehe!

  9. If the netbook (mini-laptop as you call it) you got was not Asus Eee PC or HP Mini 2140, I suggest you get either of the two. But if you can't wait a little longer, there's a rumor that Apple might actually release a netbook sometime in October. πŸ™‚

  10. stick to Mac. rumours have been circulating that the next Mac notebook would actually be a tablet. pretty much a larger version of the iPhone but smaller than the MBA.

  11. BTW, I'm the one who posted about the MacBook Air. I have an Asus eeepc at home too and it just bugs me. Firefox (my preferred windows net browser) doesn't work well. Sometimes in the middle of surfing it just shuts down by itself! I tried and tried and tried to make do but I finally caved and bought another Mac. good luck with your decision-making!

  12. fyi…the 13" macbook pro is already available here in the US. pair it up with the latest OS (snow leopard) and you better strap yourself onto something 'cause kansas is goin' bye-bye. *woop woop*ps: i am sooooooo done w/ windows & their self-induced "afflictions" grrrrrrr

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