FOOD BLOG: My 8th anniversary dinner

I normally refrain from talking about food when I’m at the pinnacle of my phantom diet (phantom because while I know my body needs this diet, my mind just doesn’t cooperate haha).

But tonight’s dinner was to celebrate a special occasion– DH and I are celebrating our 8th year anniversary. Yep– we’ve been married for quite some time already. (And we passed the 7 year itch hahahaha)

The dinner tonight almost didn’t happen because DK suddenly got sick– with a high fever!!! But after an hour, DK was already ok (I have NO idea what was that all about) and was watching a telly show *Pffft spoiled*. So we both asked permission from the little one if we could go ahead with the dinner. DK basically gave us a little nod and wave and that pretty much sent us “off”.

We had dinner at Aubergine which isn’t too far a drive, thank goodness for the light traffic.

I ordered Essence of Chicken Soup. I loved the light, clear soup. It’s good for the soul πŸ˜‰ *hehe* (Chicken Soup for the Soul haha).

DH ordered Lamb Shank which looked good (he said it was very “rich”),
while I went with my perennial favorite, honey glazed duck breast with foie gras (cholesterooooolllll)
This dish was excellent. Aubergine’s duck breast was cooked perfectly. One of the best magret de canard I’ve had was in Dijon, and this is stiff competition right here.It was very juicy and not dry at all. This has to be one of the best in Manila. The problem I had with this dish was the buttered vegetables– they were just way too salty and even the sauce could not do much to balance out the salinity.

For dessert, we both shared the Chocolate fondue cake with Rosemary ice cream. What a clever pairing– I never thought of rosemary and chocolate together. But it works flawlessly together. Like these two flavors were made for each other (the rosemary isn’t overpowering).

The restaurant is cozy and can also serve a nice tableful of close friends. The kitchen is “open” for all to see and enjoy too. This is just my 3rd time to dine at Aubergine but it’s safe to say the food is excellent, and is consistently good.

For reservations or directions to Aubergine, call (632) 856-9888.

Happy Anniversary DH! Had a great dinner with you! *Shout out*

P.S. I took photos of today’s post using my new Canon Powershot SD1200 IS (my cam was hot pink– colored πŸ˜€ I looooove! ). I love the quality of the photos (they were basically just as good as my trusted Canon G7, only much much lighter!). Thank you so very much, United for my beautiful Canon camera πŸ˜‰ It’s definitely a very light point-and-shoot camera that I’d recommend everyone to get– it fits in your handbag and it has great uncomplicated features that even a kid can use πŸ™‚


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