My Mother’s Day :)

I woke up this morning (ok, it was already noontime hehe) to find a nicely wrapped gift in lagoon- colored paper on my computer from my kids. I initially thought it was a new phone *hahaha* since DH was harping about the number of retired phones on my desk. I have these 4 on my table (all of which look abused haha), plus a not-too-new Nokia, and my Iphone which I use most often.

DH was actually hoping I’d give him my 16GB Iphone 3G since he still uses his first gen 8GB Iphone. I had initially sworn off wanting the Iphone (but Globe gave the Iphone for free, and well, I’m not one to refuse hahaha), but after seeing the chat- type text messaging system wherein the whole history of the messages are logged for your records and reference (I swear, I this has been the most useful feature on the Iphone when it comes to text messages!), I just could not give my Iphone up. *DH threw the idea of him getting me a new phone, OR swapping with me his old Iphone. I had said I’d think about the former idea haha*. I didn’t want DH’s old phone because it’s already full of games, and all other applications which I try not to install too many of, since I need the space for all my text messages *I’m notorious for saving all my messages, which has caused my old Nokias to crash often*, and also since I want some music, e-books, and Twilight *heart heart* on my phone in case I get bored πŸ˜€

So anyway, I opened the present, thinking perhaps it’s the latest Samsung phone. But no, it’s actually a book (I looove books– like real books that I can hold and smell!!) Yay!!! I was really pleasantly surprised with my gift since DH has taken to installing e-books for me already. So, to DH and my loving children, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really feel so special today πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Oh, and even better, I also got a nice Mothers’ Day card signed by DH and the little ones πŸ™‚ And then my 4 year old comes in with a freshly- torn sheet of paper from a spring notebook πŸ™‚ This was it. (photographed with the Hallmark card). I was soooo touched. My DK did that without anyone’s prodding or guidance too πŸ™‚ *beams*

It’s priceless gifts like these that really make me so happy. Today’s also a day wherein I feel so blessed to have my mom as My Mother.

I LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! πŸ™‚ *including these Chicha-rabao chicharon, which she had bought for me at DEC* Yes, Carabao Chicharon! It’s like your average chicharon but the inside is pretty hollow. I think this is the same kind of Chicharon that is normally sold alongside balut (duck egg) on the streets πŸ™‚ *I used to buy those chicharons but honestly haven’t encountered any more of those kind when I run into balut vendors 😦 * I LOVE Chicha-rabao! They’re seriously so good, just don’t think about what it actually is made of!

So we celebrated Mothers’ day with a late lunch (they all waited for me coz I was an hour late– I know, my bad!) at my DB’s house. We had a tableful of gooooooood food *Compliments to DSIL who was fantastic with the lunch preparation!*

I had initially offered to cook some mussels for today, but my movie date with my friends last night dragged on until 2am since we also hung out for coffee afterwards. *We watched Star Trek. It was AWESOME!!!! I am a Trekkie (yep, the vintage Star Trek please!)… And I clapped when the credits rolled hahaha pathetic* I crawled to bed extremely satisfied with my day yesterday and slept like a log. And I woke up at noon today hahahaha *oink oink*

My favorite dishes today included:

The Caesar’s Salad, Angus Beef Steak Strips– sooooooo good (drat, I’m really such a carnivore!), Oyster Cake, Stuffed Portobello mushrooms
And this– DSIL mentioned having bought this dish at the Legaspi weekend market. I have no idea what it is called. It contains minced meat and was cooked with sampaloc sauce. It was tart-y but it was so good with brown rice!!

DSIL and DB gave DM and I flowers for Mothers’ Day! (I on the other hand, gave DSIL food :D.. goes to show what I have been thinking a lot of lately too hahaha)

I loved the floral arrangement! It was done by Kerwin Go of Sala

Late afternoon was spent at Rockwell, as I visited Expo Mom. One of the booths I enjoyed was Planet Noah (which was swarmed with people when I arrived the booth)

Planet Noah
was recently featured at HIPP Magazine and was also a guest at a local talk show.

The owner, JudyMD is a staunch follower of holistic medicine and alternative healing (and all things natural). She does extensive research on these subjects. I’m one of those who rely on people like JudyMD because I know she would only recommend products that don’t contain toxic (unbeknownst to us) ingredients because these are the very same products she would let her child use.

Peeps were buying these:

Oasis Soothing Butter Cream with Colloidal Oatmeal and the Oasis Bath Salts. These are very good products. My DH and DK both get atopic dermatitis, and I’ve made use of the Oasis bath salt to help their skin condition improve. I can see why these products are their best sellers.

She also carries Ilog Maria products! Anyway, for more information on Planet Noah, please visit


P.S. Sorry, personal shoutout!!! Congratulations to my friend RJ on his engagement to AN (finally after 8 long and blissful years of being together)! Now R— I can’t reveal how I know about the WHOLE proposal story *director’s cut woooohooo censored!!* because I NEVER reveal my source/s! Hahaha 10 years from now, you still WON’T KNOW how I found out who told me hahaha. I was trained as a journalist, and journalists NEVER, EVER reveal their sources under any circumstance!! And oye nice try to bribe me with good apple pie from Jersey, but that still will NOT make me tell you who told me hahaha. I can’t believe it still doesn’t sink into your head that I protect my sources at ALL times, even with food bribes *guffaw* Anyway, I really wish you both a long and extremely happy life together πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Hope to be able to see you guys! Plan your honeymoon around Asia and visit the Philippines!!!!

P.P.S. To order Lorr’s APPLE PIE: Please SMS or call (0917) 533-5825


10 thoughts on “My Mother’s Day :)

  1. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Your children are so sweet! My kids are all grown up already so seeing hand writing like this one makes me wish we still have a small kid.

  2. I tried the Baby Oil of One Planet Noah and, sad to say, I was not too convinced coz it seemed to evaporate too quickly and didn’t really improve my kids’ skin condition. I returned to the tried and tested Physiogel. Seems to be more bagay with my kids’ skin asthma.

  3. Anon (on info): Wow, I’m actually very impressed with the details! On a separate note, I’m just really glad I know a lot more about it now. πŸ™‚ Thanks to my iPhone too– it was so helpful in comparing “notes” with what you had shared. Anon (on my iphone’s “messages”): Hmmm… you’re actually the 7th (or is it 8th?!) person who asked me to enlarge that photo today. Which begs the question: Which inquiring minds want to know? Hunniebunch: Lol yeah, then they proceed to tell me I have to get them toys LoL ;)Anon (on iphone): You said it!! I began really loving my phone just a few days ago. *Thank you Globe Telecom :D* The iPhone is great on the witness stand– it doesn’t lie! LoL Now if only iPhone gets that “patch” which would allow users to forward the messages, it would be perfect! Anon (on Planet Noah): I actually get their bath salts and prepare baths for my DK and DH. It’s supposed to be good for the skin. As for lotions, DH has tried physiogel too. So far though for DK, Aquafor works. Have you tried that? It’s by Eucerin. It has the consistency of petrol jelly πŸ˜€ Good luck!! Anon (on grownup kids): Never too late to have another one? πŸ™‚ Or at least wait til your grownup gets married and has your grandchild πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Something to look forward to hehehe

  4. hi mrs t.belated happy mother’s day…..guess im not a techie person, that’s why i appreciated the food photos better than the iphone ha ha ha, got hungry when i saw the haen in your DB’s house….and oh i so love the plates… such a plate person,,,if its ok,can you ask your DSIL whats the brand of her plates…

  5. OMG! The famous chicharabao! It doesn’t look that scary naman pala! Hahaha! What a lovely day to spend Mother’s Day! You are very lucky to be blessed with so much love!

  6. Karla: Thank you πŸ™‚ Hope you had a good one too! CD: hahaha yeah chicharabao indeed! And yes, hafta count my blessings, I really am lucky πŸ˜€ *pinches myself for a reality check haha*Anon (on plates): Lol I can relate– I’m not a techie either!! The ha-en was awesome! (Hehe this is funny- I had to ask around what Haen was πŸ˜€ Sorry ha, Im bobo kasi hahaha). Anyway, I will ask SIL what brand the plates are πŸ™‚ Got me curious too! Anon (on forgiveness?): No. Effin’. Way. Not after that cheap- shot remark *balk*. I’d rather go on a meat- free diet, thank you very much hahahaha *that’s a HUGE sacrifice for me!* Wait.. are you the same person who left me that copy- pasted blog comment?

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