On Toilet Cleanliness

Hi peeps, I’ll keep this post short since I just wanted to share my disgust and delight.

Ugh. So I had dinner with DH and the kids at this restaurant the other night (I wont mention the name), and was so disappointed with the cleanliness (or lack thereof) of the toilet.

I honestly can’t understand why restaurant toilets can’t be maintained clean. I wish they’d take time out to clean their toilets, especially if they serve such great food. Dirty toilets are a total turnoff.

Every time I bring my kids, I would use up nearly half a small bottle of alcohol to clean the toilet seat before I allow them to pee (sorry couldn’t think of a better word to use haha…). Call me a paranoid parent, but I guess that’s how it is with other moms too. And then I read that alcohol isn’t enough to kill the germs. I wasted so many mini bottles of alcohol. Ugh. Well it was comforting for me to know some germs were killed. Or at least I was able to somewhat “clean” the toilet for my children.

Anyway, I ran out of alcohol and had brought with me Pottyspray (I can be a girl scout sometimes– well ok, I am a girl scout when I am with my kids). As it turns out, Pottyspray is organic and is a good disinfectant since it kills 99.9% of germs, unlike alcohol. If you’re a mom like me, I think this would be a very good product to carry around, especially when you are with your kids.

So here I am, spreading the good word for Mommies out there. I guess this actually isn’t just a product for Moms. Pottyspray is for everyone actually. Especially if you’re particular about the “cleanliness” and hygiene of public toilets. It really comes in handy.

P.S. Pottyspray website http://www.thepottyspray.com, Pottyspray is also available at Shopwise, Rustans, FirstAid, and PCX.

6 thoughts on “On Toilet Cleanliness

  1. I read something similar about this potty spray in one of the live journals (Daphne’s I think). I didn’t realize this is only available in the Philippines. Had I known, I would’ve gotten myself a few bottles when we there on vacation a couple of months ago. Although restrooms are generally clean here in the US, I’m still as paranoid as I can be when the thought of my 3 year old using a public toilet comes to mind. Think of the restrooms in public parks and beaches here. And my son insists on flushing the toilet! Ugh! I know I’m confusing him, when I teach him to always flush the toilet at home, but…I know he’ll get some type of “germs” no matter what, but the lesser the better!

  2. You know what we should have here? Those LYSOL/CLOROX wipes they have in the States! Those products are just genius! At least you’ll really be 100% sure that germs are eliminated.

  3. Thank you for this! I, too, am very particular and OC when it comes to public restrooms. I don’t let my daughters go in without my clearance.

  4. shoppingpal: exactly my thoughts! My kids also LOVE flushing the toilet. I think the concept of “DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING” (while peeing) is lost on them hahaha. So the potty spray really comes in handy.We’re not being toilet snobs, but I guess when it comes to our kids, we are. I mean, these are our kids!! joylet: That’s awesome and will come in handy too! I should look those up when I get there. 🙂

  5. thanks for sharing this. i also read abt this on daphne osena’s blog. will definitely get one. was just wondering, is this cheaper or the same price as the small lysol spray that i got at true value a few months ago? has the same function but at least pottyspray is organic. less carbon footprint, as they say. was forced to get the lysol spray because of the same restaurant restroom experience i had a few months ago. had a choice between letting my daughter hold her pee and wait until we got home or pee on the stinky restroom. both could’ve given her uti!!!! how frustrating!

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