Travelog: Paris (Laduree)

We had a quick dinner at Ladureé after our side trip to Fontainbleau.

I love Ladureé macaroons but after I had Pierre Hermé, nothing else compares– sorry Ladureé, but you don’t have the truffle flavored macaroons that I love at Pierre Hermé!
The food at Ladureé though, has always been consistently good. Plus the restaurant is close to where we were staying 🙂

Two of us ordered cream of artichoke soup. When our soup saucers arrived, there was a barely cooked sunny side up egg on it. The server then scooped some soup from the tureen and served it piping hot, over the egg. The soup was rich!

Four of us had omelette. My eldest bro and I had the black truffle omelette, while the others chose mushroom omelette.It’s a dish I’ve loved since the first time I had it some months ago. *Gulp* My calorie and cholesterol counter just went into overdrive– I asked our server how many eggs where in our omelette and he said, about 4 – 5. So I technically had SIX eggs that night!!!! *Major gulp*

My DH and my DSIL ordered sandwiches

Salmon sandwich… yummmy
We skipped dessert and asked for the bill. It was EUR 140++ *shock*. DB said it’s the most expensive omelette meal he’s ever had to pay for 🙂 *I didn’t even bother mentioning to him that he had paid for my order of that EUR95 black truffle omelette on mashed potatoes last year at Taillevent, which would’ve made that dish way more expensive hahahaha*

It was a sinfully good but pricey meal *but I realize now food in Paris IS pricey :(*. But as I would lament to myself, I can sacrifice not buying good clothes, but I cannot sacrifice my love for good food 🙂 (Pffft besides, I didn’t pay for the meal, so what was I complaining about in the first place hahaha.. )

Thank you DB for that meal!


7 thoughts on “Travelog: Paris (Laduree)

  1. Paris is my dream, after I watched Sabrina(Julia Ormond and Harrison Ford movie…when Sabrina worked in Vogue Paris). Never thought that Paris offers super yummy food!

  2. Hi Mrs. T, sorry this is out of topic, I just wanna ask if you know any info about Bea Valdes’ bags, if i could order it in manila? Or if i could have one made? Thanks

  3. i am no fashion maniac and i rarely read style blogs but i like what i see in the baghag diaries. i like your candidness and sense of humour. and i love the pics! after my first visit, consider me a fan =)

  4. Ladureé Macarons are C’est magnifique! but since you’ve mentioned Pierre Hermé, hmm i might go give em a try. Were you able to visit Fauchon as well?:)

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