Social Call: Jul B. Dizon’s Private Party

There was a nice little private party held at the Chi Spa at Edsa Shangrila Hotel a few weeks ago. For some reason yet unknown to me, I was one of the guests hehehe *beams*. I’ve been off the social radar for a year or so now, having led a pretty quiet life *yeah right*.

Ok, you want the truth? Here’s the ugly, painful truth– thebaghag hasn’t gotten an invitation for a very looong time. The last party I went to was for the Crumpler Beer for Bags Party. DH wanted to go because he knew the brand too, and because well, there was free beer πŸ˜€ I ended up enjoying the evening because I was just so amazed at the music played by the “band” (if that’s what they’re called haha).

Anyway, back to the Chi Spa event. The party was hosted by Jul B. Dizon Jewellery. Jun Jun Ablaza decorated the place with flowers, and organic BAGS! πŸ˜€ Yes, bags made from plant leaves and twigs!

More eye candy: Desserts (sugar- free too!!)

Fantastic table settings
And well, BLING!!You get to pick your seat– you pick the bling you like, and you take your seat!

I had a tough choice. I love this pair of morganite earrings with blue sapphires…
Tourmalines and kunzite. It’s very Gripoix for Chanel.
And I also adore this cuff. I ended up with the cuff seat. The cuff wasn’t too pricey considering the labor and the amount of stones used. *Sigh, sigh*

Then the oh-so-chic guests began arriving.*Screams* Orange! Orange! Orange! πŸ˜€

Ladies with beautiful skin (I can only wish for their flawless skin *sob*) Jay and GraceA
My lovely neighbor CherylT of Lifestyle Asia and RubyG of Schu

Party host CandyD rocking her “rocks”
Oh, did I tell you I was the early bird? πŸ˜€ *snicker.. quite a change since I’m usually late!* Someone espied the cuff while I was chatting with a guest. And before I knew it, the cuff was off the market! *Bawls*

What’s my post without a photo of the bags?*Do I also see an Hermes ostrich birkin in the back?*

Just being at the party made me deliriously happy. Food, good company, great bags, mouth-watering eye candy…. Sigh. I wish I didn’t have my own personal recession! Alas, I am still reeling from paying for those darned bills!! 😦 *sob* Where’s a benefactor/ sponsor when you wanted one?

On a related note, during recession, the one thing that doesn’t drop too much in price is jewellery (and this is a fact). While those Russian bonds *I’ve heard of many who invested in them* may have taken nose-dives and the stock market has been so volatile that it scares off so many conservative investors, bling (we’re talking gold and diamonds here) continues to hold its ground.

Perhaps it’s really time to count your money under the rug or under the bed or in your bag and invest in bling. Besides, in case of emergency or war, you can always wear the bling and take off (as opposed to attempting to bring almost- worthless pieces of paper which were once real estate documents or well, Russian bonds hehe). Ok, to be honest I don’t really know anything about investing (since I have no money to invest anyway), but I know this much– if you need money asap, you can always get immediate cash for your bling– think about how the pawnshops are doing right now at the present state of our economy! *Bling bling bling, cha ching, cha ching, cha ching!!*

So I guess I should say now, Buy Bling for Investment! πŸ™‚ *To be able to wear them is a nice consolation… and is an option for those who are not really into bling. But gosh, if you get them, at least enjoy them! :D*

P.S. Thanks Candy, Cedric, Lucille, Ginny for inviting thebaghag! Had loads of fun! And Candy, sorry I had to “steal” the photo of you “rocking” your necklace πŸ™‚


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