The THREE million peso bag of the Megastar

Ok. I’m officially taken aback.
Though I am not into watching local shows (partly because I also don’t really know who is who anymore except for the seasoned actors and actresses… geez I must be getting old), word got to me that there was this show a few nights ago which featured the “Three Million Peso” bag of megastar Sharon Cuneta (to those who aren’t Filipino, Sharon Cuneta has been in the local entertainment industry for over 30 years– I think even way before I was born! She’s really “Mega” :D).

In the show, there was mention of her Hermes crocodile birkin in black. It said that the bag cost Php 3,000,000 (Three Million Pesos). I am really surprised because the figure they publicly announced was Inaccurate.

Hermes porosus crocodile birkins DO NOT cost that amount. The ballpark figure of the bag is in the US$40k+ or around Php 1.95M, retail (in- store)

But NOT Three Million Pesos. *gulp*

What surprises me even more is they announce the price of the bag at the time the country is suffering a financial crisis. I mean, think of the average person on the street tuned in to that show. Just think.

Prices of the things you buy or own are not one of those things you share with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. You selectively share it with people who may be able to more or less understand (like why it’s expensive) the cost of the merchandise. Especially if the “thing” you own is well above a Million Pesos. (I.e. if you’re a baghag, then you’d probably be able to understand somehow, although not necessarily justify hahaha… not easy to justify :D)

And to bloat the figure even further? I wish they could’ve just called a Hermes boutique to verify the amount, or at least try to search on internet forums like The Purse Blog where prices of Hermes bags are actually posted and discussed.

To bloat the figure almost twice as its original amount is just not right at a time like this. It’s unfair for those who own similar bags since they now can’t really go around carrying their bags in public. Hello, thief magnet! (this is really sad, but true.)

Again, while there is nothing wrong in owning a beautiful (and expensive) bag especially if you have toiled and worked very hard to be able to afford that bag, it is just more prudent to be low key at a time like this.

(photo: from archive)


19 thoughts on “The THREE million peso bag of the Megastar

  1. I’m with ya Mrs. T. It is very annoying indeed! With that amount you can actually buy a croc and an ostrich birkin already right? I’m guessing it’s some sort of a marketing strategy.I think they purposely bloat/ exaggerate the figures just to catch viewers’ curiosity and make them stay up to watch their show since they are not in the primetime slot.The show is like a venue for showing off the public who has the most expensive this or that. So tacky!Had to sign up an account for this. hehe. Finally I have one thou I don’t blog. I just like to read :)LEE

  2. I saw the interview. I think it was Sharon herself who confirmed the amount. The interviewer was asking her “Is it 2.4 million?” The Mega said “No”. The interviewer asked again “Is it higher?” Mega said, “Yeah, higher”. But shyly or trying to be modest.

  3. a small correction. the dialogue between mega nd reporter went like this pala. “we heard your bag cost 2.4 million?” mega demurely answered (almost whispering “no. more.”

  4. Dixie: I think that amount is exaggerated. (It’s black market price, that’s why the big price difference too). ๐Ÿ˜€ cherie, glenn, anything and everything: Yes I know. I don’t castigate Sharon for owning such a bag coz she worked her buns off to buy a bag like that. But I do think it would’ve been wiser if they had left the amount of the bag alone… Wrong timing now, I believe… MamaS: thanks for the info! If it was the Megastar herself who disclosed having paid more than that amount, then perhaps it was because she had purchased it at black market price? I really don’t know, but I guess someone in the show must’ve put a price on the bag, hence the “3M” bag tag. Any more info on this? ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Do you notice what show-offs Filipino showbiz people are? They mention how much their bags cost, how many carats the ring they give each other costs, how much their headband costs, etc. And they now you say they exaggerate the price? Oh my. Maybe she was gypped so that she paid higher than what she should have? hahaha.

  6. when kris said that sharon owns a dozen of them, did she mean a dozen crocs? or a dozen hermes? another misleading info tsk tsk tsk. Im betting just a dozen hermes.

  7. hi! i hope u remember me..:) i also had to make this account so i can comment on this..3M bag of sharon cuneta..i agree, wrong timing and insensitive..tsk, tsk. just last night i was with my friends who r bag addicts as well but have to make do with what they have at d moment when the times are not as good as before financially, we wer wondering wer the price came from, in my personal knowledge not even black market would cost u that much for that bag. it is sad really..:c i heard that after reading world vision updates on the scholars who needed sponsors for them to afford to go to school. i agree 100% that the show could have been more sensitive and particular in delivering news and info..

  8. Just to correct what transpired in the interview:Reporter: is it true you owned a hermes bag worth P2.5M?Mega: one bag? no naman, it’s not 2.5MReporter: but it is expensive? (note: the reporter did not ask if it is higher)Mega: yeah! (then smiles).I think this new show wanted to catch attention(and therefore achieve high rating which it succeeded on that particular day) at the expense of sharon.

  9. hi. was just bloghopping when i found your site. yes, i totally agree that it’s such bad timing to go around telling everyone how much a bag costs when some can hardly eat three times a day. i blogged about this too, i was annoyed that the show’s a little insensitive to the plight of the majority nowadays. i hope im welcome to lurk here. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. They are just exaggerating! But that’s too much, for the sake of ratings….I remember watching their first few episodes and they featured Ruffa Mae Quinto’s Hermes bag, they said it’s worth 1 million pesos. But in the later episodes, Boy Abunda admitted that it’s only around Php 800K, “ni-round-off” lang daw nila. I hate the show.

  11. I think it’s a possibility that she bought it in the black market. The waiting list for that purse is long right? I don’t think she will claim to have paid that much if she really didn’t buy it for that amount. Kris Aquino even said, “I heard she has a dozen of those. And it’s a good thing she has three daughters para mapamana niya.” Also, Mega said that she wasn’t really into bags until lately. She used to be a clothes person but after she gained weight, she lost interest in clothes. Then when she turned 30 years in show business, somebody convinced her to reward herself with “the bag”. I think the SNN staff pegged the 2.4 M amount from their research and just asked Mega to confirm. It turned out it was higher. But I am kind of relieved it was Mega and not some sexy starlet to own a bag like that. She can justify it naman with her status. People will not wonder where she got the money to buy it, if you know what I mean. Kaya lang, sana the price wasn’t mentioned na lang.

  12. ROSANNA: First of all, I DID NOT LAMBAST SHARON FOR OWNING AN EXPENSIVE BAG. Sharon deserves to own a bag like that since she has been working her buns off for as long as I remember. SHE DESERVES THAT BAG. It’s HER OWN MONEY. And I DID NOT say she doesn’t deserve that bag. In fact, I can’t even find a sentence in my post saying she doesn’t deserve it. Soooo don’t be pissed off. Relaaaaaaaaax. Let me reiterate that this is NOT about the Mega owning an expensive bag. It’s about the SHOW that had interviewed her. THE SHOW should NOT have asked for the price of the bag on- air. It’s in poor taste to be asking HOW MUCH IS YOUR BAG, and then BROADCASTING A BLOATED AMOUNT AT A TIME LIKE THIS. Viewership for that show happens to include people who fall below the poverty line. And more importantly, DO NOT insult my readers with some foul Tagalog words (which obviously I can’t understand but know it’s foul because of the way you wrote it– I read it out loud and laughed because what you wrote just sounded so… crass) just because they left comments about the bag’s bloated amount. Foul language is not tolerated on this blog. Anyway, it’s obvious you didn’t understand what this particular post was all about. I don’t even know why I explained myself in the first place! *Rolls eyes and laughs hahaha *

  13. what if it is around that price when she bought it since she probably paid more for it since the waiting period for one takes years? she probably bought it from someone who had it was she probably wanted it so bad and just decided to pay the price?

  14. maybe… she bought it on e-bay? hahahai hear you with these local shows with celebs boasting about their designer bags. weeks ago, my mom was tuned in to tfc and an entertainment show ran a news on this celebrity judy ann santos’s gold prada bag, which she quoted costs php 15,000. and i was like, say what?? prada bags do not cost 15,000 and to actually think she bought it it malaysia. that’s a pretty convincing sign that it would most likely be fake…

  15. Hi Mrs. T. I know this is kinda a late reaction but reading the comments made me ponder why the price of the bag was ridiculously expensive. Im sure Sharon wouldn’t lie about it, nor was it her intention to brag about the price. And so the only reason I can come up with was probably because she bought the bag when the exchange rate was $1-P56? Compare that to today’s P47 to P49 exchange rate. That’s a world of difference!

  16. Candy, Niki, Tim: True too and it could be that Sharon paid that price– but she didn’t even name a figure. It was the show who pegged an amount to the bag. Sharon’s not at fault at all. It was the show’s decision to air an amount that is bloated and was not confirmed by Sharon. Therein lies the boo boo. Gotta admit though, the bag looks gooood ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. showbiz people should stop TRYING TO BE HUMBLE AND MODEST about their stuff bec its so irritating and annnoying!( like this male singer JM in mariel rodriguez’s show in cinema one…) i mean, nagpainterview ka na nga, wag na magpamodest…or no comment na lang re price cuz its tacky!… i agree… wonder where they get the heart to show off in this third world country of ours! and one more thing, a little weight reduction would help… my eyes are accustomed to V beckham carrying hermes.

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