Musings of the Baghag… with some revelations!

I never (and my use of “never” in this sentence will never change) count myself as a bag collector. I know serious folks who have insanely disproportional bag collections (because their closets can only fit so many bags), leaving their bags to encroach into the “public” areas of their house. I had to sit next to a few Chanels in the house of a good friend at one time. I was honored– I was in very good company πŸ˜‰ If you were the visitor in my house, you might just have to allow yourself to be in the same room as my old Balikbayan boxes (I’m about to do Spring Cleaning hehehe) and my monoblock chairs muwahaha (coz I STILL don’t have decent looking furniture– no budget!!!) πŸ˜€

In the last few weeks though, I have done the dirty deed and I am coming clean on this blog. *SOB… GULP*. So here’s the real cheese on what Mrs.T’s been doing (she could be living inside her bags in the not so far future!!!).

1. I love the Givenchy Nightingale bag. It’s one of those bags that eventually grow on you after seeing it a lot. Not the “love-at-first-site” bag, but definitely love that seems to last. I had been seeing a lot of Givenchy bags on beautiful Frenchwomen over the last few months of my travels to Paris *cough, feeling jetsetter… NOT!*. I just felt maybe it was time to get me one. *Feeling Parisienne… NOT!!!* Hehehe.. So I did. I went and bought HER. And yes, in purple (NATCH) πŸ˜‰

2. Yes. I went and bought the LV Graffiti Speedy. In Pink. Because it’s loud and screams Louis Vuitton all over πŸ˜€ *DK had an awesome time counting the number of “Louis Vuitton Paris” written all over the bag hahaha (see, my bag is educational!). Some may find this bag gaudy, but not me! This is really my “going all out on logos” bag. Besides, I’m not exactly Little Miss Classy Chick here πŸ˜€ This, baghags, is my very own “Entry level” bag (quote borrowed from a previous comment poster ;D).

3. I recently became “reunited” with a Chanel jumbo classic flap. Two years + ago, I fell in love with the Purple Chanel classic jumbo flap. I saw the bag at the Hong Kong Airport branch of Chanel on my way back to Manila. Though I didn’t buy it when I first saw it (truth: too scared to use my credit card as it could get declined… I couldn’t face any more public humiliation haha *hooo boy*), I had to ask a friend to get it for me a week after *tsk no EQ*. For reasons I still can’t quite understand *believe me, I smacked my head a few times when I did this*, I ended up parting ways with the bag some months later, only to get myself a gray version at the South Coast Plaza mall. Let me tell you, that gray bag never made up for the purple. So I too, let the gray go eventually. Fast forward to last week– I get a message from fairy bagmother CT (who must’ve known about my love for purple πŸ˜€ Thank God!! Hahaha). She informed me that her good friend C apparently has a purple Chanel bag that she wasn’t keen on keeping. I asked to see it. A day later, I met up with C. I held my breath as she opened the box. *Heart attack!!* I loved the purple bag the moment I saw it. It was the same color as my Purple Chanel *Screams!!!*, and this time it’s in that jumbo double CC logo that I so love (I like bags that “scream”, remember? haha). Best of all, the gold chain is made in that beautiful H.Stern “noble” gold color, not the Saudi gold *hehehe the Saudi gold chain was wayyy tooo yellow* color of the vintage Chanels!!!

Ok so here’s the other confession within the confession: I actually have the same exact Chanel jumbo in blue (I did blog about the bag a few posts ago, although I never laid claim to the bag *sneaky*). I had bought the bag and hadn’t used her yet since I too, had second thoughts about having gotten the bag– I have too many blue bags and I need to edit, edit, edit! Anyway, for some reason that day I was shown the purple bag, I had brought the blue bag with me. So I showed C the blue bag, after I had claimed the purple as mine. When she saw my blue bag, she loved it! So we ended up swapping bags (and I didn’t have to make any extra payment anymore) *WoooHOoo!!!* We both walked away happy baghags πŸ˜‰

Here’s the Purple Chanel πŸ˜€ (The new Chanel jumbos don’t have puffy quilts anymore– much like the Reissues)
So now, here’s your baghag, broke again. Nothing new. I’ve been staring at my bags in the last few days, thinking I should downsize. Seriously. No, I’m not like some serious bag collector with 50 unused bags lurking in their closets. All my bags get happily used πŸ˜‰ But not abused (except for my Orange Goyard fidji) πŸ˜€

*Mrs.T Looks up at the photos… Wheee I just made you peeps a Purple Bag Sandwich πŸ˜€ :D*

Ok. My bag resolution this year is not to buy more than 5 bags (and when I do buy, I need to sell some of my old bags– I’m very economical that way :D). I guess I’ve gotten 3 (ok wait, the other one bag was purchased last year still… so does that count? Hehehe)… Tsk, Mrs.T needs a third job… (I’m sooo not looking forward to receiving my credit card bill *sob*)

Anyway, on another note, I passed by the hallway of Rockwell Power Plant Mall where Banco de Oro and BPI are, and guess what, SANGO! The Japanese Burgers is coming to our Mall. I rarely get the opportunity to go to Mile Long (near Makati Cinema Square) where the original Sango is, so this is something I’m anticipating. I like burgers a lot, so hopefully this will make the grade the second time around! πŸ™‚

Oh, oh, speaking of unwanted fat, here’s a quick weight update. I am contemplating on going back to yoga with ChrisL already. This time it’s really because of my health– yes, my foot condition (that’s considered health too!). I hate confessing this way, but in the last month alone, I had gained a whopping 8 pounds (The Wii Fit doesn’t lie!!!!). Besides, I have too many things in my closet that won’t fit me and I’ve spent a fortune on them… No, they’re not expensive clothes (the only expensive thing in my wardrobe is that Balenciaga dress *which I never fail to mention by the way haha*– and that dress does NOT fit me now by the way). I have a whole heap of cheap clothes that make it expensive as a whole :D. So I need to lose some serious weight.

It’s also because DH is just way thinner than I am *pout.. envious*. I have always been the “0” (zero) in the equation– he being the “1”. (Hehehhee baaad). Ok why the numbering system? Well if you look at us together, we resemble the number “10”– “1” representing the slimmer one, and “0” being the *cough* rounder one *ouch*

Besides, another reason to go back to yoga is to be able to get clothes from Certified Calm in Shangrila Mall πŸ˜‰ I hear they have really cool yoga “gear” and outfits. Perfect. Especially since my yoga clothes have become so old. I haven’t done yoga in a year and I decided to wear my yoga clothes to SLEEP (to I get my money’s worth) hahaha. πŸ˜€

Yikes, enough confessions already! I already have enough on this post that would merit me a first class, one way ticket to financial hell and to Dante’s inferno!

Mantra: Simplify, simplify, simplify!!… (Crap. Who the *bleep* am I convincing here again?! *thwaps self*.. who knows, I might really change! *The Secret*)

Have a good day, everyone!! Keep smiling (look at me, I’m obviously broke as a country mouse and I’m still smiling πŸ˜€ *til the bills come– I still have a good two weeks, I reckon haha*:D)

P.S. Congratulations to baghag Cecile Phee for being the Managing Director of the Year once again (3 consecutive years!!) at Max’s Fried Chicken Franchise Awards!! It’s no easy feat to take home this award, and our baghag friend has done it again πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


7 thoughts on “Musings of the Baghag… with some revelations!

  1. wow, mrs. t! 2 bags already and it’s only feb. :Dsigh. i can’t afford those but, i am happy just reading your happy blog posts about it. it kinda robs off on me. hehehe…you see, i got 3 lvs last year and a burberry and some cheaper stuff… i promised myself not to get anything this year. so, i am TRYING very hard to control my urge in getting a chanel. or maybe “just” a gucci. aarrrgghhh! hahaha!!!! -mrs m

  2. I'm so jealous of your graffiti speedy!! I'm waitlisted & I still haven't gotten that call. Oh well… Sango–I like this better than Mos Burger, the beef sauce is yummier I think. Lucky me, a Sango branch is just a 5 minute drive from our home and no parking fees pa! πŸ™‚

  3. Mrs T I just got a Givenchy Nightingale too! The leather is beautiful! I got mine from Adora. Their prices are equivalent to US prices without tax so it was quite a steal πŸ™‚ And your Chanel maxi is divine!

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